:Date: 02/02/2024 :Author: Carlos Félix Pardo Martín :License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International .. _python-codewars: Codewars katas ============== Codewars es una comunidad educativa de **programación**. En la plataforma, los desarrolladores de software participan en desafíos de programación conocidos como **katas**. Estos ejercicios entrenan un rango amplio de habilidades y se completan dentro de un ambiente de desarrollo integrado en línea, en el que los usuarios tienen la posibilidad de ganar rangos y honor. .. contents:: Índice de contenidos :local: :depth: 2 Codewars Katas 8kyu ------------------- Katas de nivel 8. Dificultad muy fácil. #. `Multiply `__ #. `Even or Odd `__ #. `Convert a Number to a String! `__ #. `Opposite number `__ #. `Reversed Strings `__ #. `Return Negative `__ #. `Convert boolean values to strings 'Yes' or 'No'. `__ #. `Sum of positive `__ #. `String repeat `__ #. `Remove First and Last Character `__ #. `Square(n) Sum `__ #. `Find the smallest integer in the array `__ #. `Grasshopper - Summation `__ #. `Function 1 - hello world `__ #. `Convert a String to a Number! `__ #. `Remove String Spaces `__ #. `Counting sheep... `__ #. `You Can't Code Under Pressure #1 `__ #. `Returning Strings `__ #. `Convert a Boolean to a String `__ #. `Keep Hydrated! `__ #. `Basic Mathematical Operations `__ #. `Century From Year `__ #. `Convert number to reversed array of digits `__ #. `Beginner - Lost Without a Map `__ #. `Beginner Series #2 Clock `__ #. `Opposites Attract `__ #. `Beginner Series #1 School Paperwork `__ #. `Abbreviate a Two Word Name `__ #. `Simple multiplication `__ #. `Sum Arrays `__ #. `MakeUpperCase `__ #. `A Needle in the Haystack `__ #. `Are You Playing Banjo? `__ #. `Invert values `__ #. `Calculate average `__ #. `Is he gonna survive? `__ #. `Count of positives / sum of negatives `__ #. `Beginner - Reduce but Grow `__ #. `How good are you really? `__ #. `Sentence Smash `__ #. `Calculate BMI `__ #. `Fake Binary `__ #. `Find Maximum and Minimum Values of a List `__ #. `You only need one - Beginner `__ #. `DNA to RNA Conversion `__ #. `Will you make it? `__ #. `Convert a string to an array `__ #. `Reversed sequence `__ #. `Is n divisible by x and y? `__ #. `Count by X `__ #. `If you can't sleep, just count sheep!! `__ #. `Rock Paper Scissors! `__ #. `Grasshopper - Personalized Message `__ #. `Jenny's secret message `__ #. `Quarter of the year `__ #. `Transportation on vacation `__ #. `Grasshopper - Grade book `__ #. `Volume of a Cuboid `__ #. `Remove exclamation marks `__ #. `Third Angle of a Triangle `__ #. `Total amount of points `__ #. `Area or Perimeter `__ #. `Thinkful - Logic Drills: Traffic light `__ #. `L1: Set Alarm `__ #. `Sum Mixed Array `__ #. `Grasshopper - Messi goals function `__ #. `Sum without highest and lowest number `__ #. `Double Char `__ #. `Get the mean of an array `__ #. `Reversed Words `__ #. `The Feast of Many Beasts `__ #. `Array plus array `__ #. `Parse nice int from char problem `__ #. `Grasshopper - Check for factor `__ #. `Beginner Series #4 Cockroach `__ #. `Switch it Up! `__ #. `Function 2 - squaring an argument `__ #. `Twice as old `__ #. `Keep up the hoop `__ #. `Get Planet Name By ID `__ #. `Removing Elements `__ #. `Will there be enough space? `__ #. `Count the Monkeys! `__ #. `Find the first non-consecutive number `__ #. `Grasshopper - Terminal game move function `__ #. `Grasshopper - Debug sayHello `__ #. `What is between? `__ #. `Is it even? `__ #. `Is the string uppercase? `__ #. `All Star Code Challenge #18 `__ #. `Cat years, Dog years `__ #. `altERnaTIng cAsE <=> ALTerNAtiNG CaSe `__ #. `Do I get a bonus? `__ #. `Powers of 2 `__ #. `Correct the mistakes of the character recognition software `__ #. `Is it a palindrome? `__ #. `Student's Final Grade `__ #. `Expressions Matter `__ #. `Sum The Strings `__ #. `Difference of Volumes of Cuboids `__ #. `Grasshopper - Messi Goals `__ #. `Welcome! `__ #. `Reverse List Order `__ #. `I love you, a little , a lot, passionately ... not at all `__ #. `Basic variable assignment `__ #. `Count Odd Numbers below n `__ #. `Sort and Star `__ #. `Unfinished Loop - Bug Fixing #1 `__ #. `My head is at the wrong end! `__ #. `Find Multiples of a Number `__ #. `Drink about `__ #. `Short Long Short `__ #. `Vowel remover `__ #. `Filter out the geese `__ #. `What's the real floor? `__ #. `Capitalization and Mutability `__ #. `get character from ASCII Value `__ #. `Grasshopper - If/else syntax debug `__ #. `Find numbers which are divisible by given number `__ #. `Name Shuffler `__ #. `Stringy Strings `__ #. `How many lightsabers do you own? `__ #. `Exclusive "or" (xor) Logical Operator `__ #. `Training JS #7: if..else and ternary operator `__ #. `Plural `__ #. `Lario and Muigi Pipe Problem `__ #. `Grasshopper - Basic Function Fixer `__ #. `Multiplication table for number `__ #. `Regular Ball Super Ball `__ #. `Get Nth Even Number `__ #. `Merge two sorted arrays into one `__ #. `Super Duper Easy `__ #. `5 without numbers !! `__ #. `A wolf in sheep's clothing `__ #. `Gravity Flip `__ #. `Remove duplicates from list `__ #. `To square(root) or not to square(root) `__ #. `Determine offspring sex based on genes XX and XY chromosomes `__ #. `The Wide-Mouthed frog! `__ #. `Convert to Binary `__ #. `Add Length `__ #. `Well of Ideas - Easy Version `__ #. `The 'if' function `__ #. `Bin to Decimal `__ #. `FIXME: Replace all dots `__ #. `Hello, Name or World! `__ #. `Holiday VIII - Duty Free `__ #. `Grasshopper - Terminal game combat function `__ #. `Hex to Decimal `__ #. `Grasshopper - Function syntax debugging `__ #. `No zeros for heros `__ #. `Exclamation marks series #1: Remove an exclamation mark from the end of string `__ #. `Welcome to the City `__ #. `Enumerable Magic #25 - Take the First N Elements `__ #. `Exclamation marks series #11: Replace all vowel to exclamation mark in the sentence `__ #. `Is this my tail? `__ #. `Find the Remainder `__ #. `Find the position! `__ #. `Surface Area and Volume of a Box `__ #. `Alan Partridge II - Apple Turnover `__ #. `Generate range of integers `__ #. `101 Dalmatians - squash the bugs, not the dogs! `__ #. `Grasshopper - Debug `__ #. `Price of Mangoes `__ #. `Printing Array elements with Comma delimiters `__ #. `Grasshopper - Array Mean `__ #. `Reversing Words in a String `__ #. `Remove First and Last Character Part Two `__ #. `Sum of differences in array `__ #. `Dollars and Cents `__ #. `Pillars `__ #. `String cleaning `__ #. `Find out whether the shape is a cube `__ #. `Simple validation of a username with regex `__ #. `Enumerable Magic - Does My List Include This? `__ #. `Check same case `__ #. `Return to Sanity `__ #. `Simple Fun #1: Seats in Theater `__ #. `Sum of Multiples `__ #. `Swap Values `__ #. `Multiple of index `__ #. `Sleigh Authentication `__ #. `Take the Derivative `__ #. `Find Nearest square number `__ #. `Kata Example Twist `__ #. `L1: Bartender, drinks! `__ #. `How old will I be in 2099? `__ #. `Basic Training: Add item to an Array `__ #. `Return the day `__ #. `String Templates - Bug Fixing #5 `__ #. `Triple Trouble `__ #. `Never visit a . . . !? `__ #. `USD => CNY `__ #. `Regex count lowercase letters `__ #. `Area of a Square `__ #. `Formatting decimal places #0 `__ #. `How many stairs will Suzuki climb in 20 years? `__ #. `OOP: Object Oriented Piracy `__ #. `Color Ghost `__ #. `Name on billboard `__ #. `Define a card suit `__ #. `Miles per gallon to kilometers per liter `__ #. `Incorrect division method `__ #. `Holiday VI - Shark Pontoon `__ #. `Do you speak "English"? `__ #. `Grasshopper - Combine strings `__ #. `No Loops 2 - You only need one `__ #. `Basic subclasses - Adam and Eve `__ #. `Remove the time `__ #. `Exclamation marks series #2: Remove all exclamation marks from the end of sentence `__ #. `SpeedCode #2 - Array Madness `__ #. `Classic Hello World `__ #. `Regexp Basics - is it a digit? `__ #. `Find the Difference in Age between Oldest and Youngest Family Members `__ #. `The falling speed of petals `__ #. `Fundamentals: Return `__ #. `Is it a number? `__ #. `Fix your code before the garden dies! `__ #. `CSV representation of array `__ #. `Classy Classes `__ #. `Contamination #1 -String- `__ #. `Pythagorean Triple `__ #. `Smallest unused ID `__ #. `Leonardo Dicaprio and Oscars `__ #. `Exclamation marks series #6: Remove n exclamation marks in the sentence from left to right `__ #. `get ascii value of character `__ #. `Exclamation marks series #4: Remove all exclamation marks from sentence but ensure a exclamation mark at the end of string `__ #. `A Strange Trip to the Market `__ #. `Closest elevator `__ #. `Compare within margin `__ #. `Tip Calculator `__ #. `Quadrants `__ #. `Geometry Basics: Distance between points in 2D `__ #. `Who is going to pay for the wall? `__ #. `Chuck Norris VII - True or False? (Beginner) `__ #. `BASIC: Making Six Toast. `__ #. `Are arrow functions odd? `__ #. `simple calculator `__ #. `Collatz Conjecture (3n+1) `__ #. `Is there a vowel in there? `__ #. `Unexpected parsing `__ #. `Thinkful - Number Drills: Blue and red marbles `__ #. `Find the Integral `__ #. `ASCII Total `__ #. `Did she say hallo? `__ #. `For UFC Fans (Total Beginners): Conor McGregor vs George Saint Pierre `__ #. `Duck Duck Goose `__ #. `validate code with simple regex `__ #. `Who ate the cookie? `__ #. `Template Strings `__ #. `Quadratic Coefficients Solver `__ #. `Multiply the number `__ #. `Localize The Barycenter of a Triangle `__ #. `Switch/Case - Bug Fixing #6 `__ #. `Wilson primes `__ #. `Parse float `__ #. `Get number from string `__ #. `Count the number of cubes with paint on `__ #. `Power `__ #. `Grader `__ #. `8kyu interpreters: HQ9+ `__ #. `Is your period late? `__ #. `Enumerable Magic #1 - True for All? `__ #. `Pirates!! Are the Cannons ready!?? `__ #. `Classy Extentions `__ #. `Are they opposite? `__ #. `Barking mad `__ #. `UEFA EURO 2016 `__ #. `Draw stairs `__ #. `Ensure question `__ #. `Training JS #18: Methods of String object--concat() split() and its good friend join() `__ #. `For Twins: 2. Math operations `__ #. `NBA full 48 minutes average `__ #. `Online RPG: player to qualifying stage? `__ #. `pick a set of first elements `__ #. `Find the Slope `__ #. `Fix the Bugs (Syntax) - My First Kata `__ #. `Fuel Calculator: Total Cost `__ #. `Freudian translator `__ #. `Grasshopper - Terminal Game #1 `__ #. `Is the date today `__ #. `How do I compare numbers? `__ #. `Name Your Python! `__ #. `Return Two Highest Values in List `__ #. `Calculate Price Excluding VAT `__ #. `Safen User Input Part I - htmlspecialchars `__ #. `Crash Override `__ #. `Evil or Odious `__ #. `Merging sorted integer arrays (without duplicates) `__ #. `Finish Guess the Number Game `__ #. `Polish alphabet `__ #. `Semi-Optional `__ #. `Logical calculator `__ #. `Grasshopper - Bug Squashing `__ #. `Points of Reflection `__ #. `Job Matching #1 `__ #. `Grasshopper - Create the rooms `__ #. `Simple Fun #261: Whose Move `__ #. `Age Range Compatibility Equation `__ #. `Be Concise I - The Ternary Operator `__ #. `Enumerable Magic #20 - Cascading Subsets `__ #. `Playing with cubes II `__ #. `Be Concise IV - Index of an element in an array `__ #. `easy logs `__ #. `How much water do I need? `__ #. `Heads and Legs `__ #. `Grasshopper - Terminal Game Turn Function `__ #. `For Twins: 1. Types `__ #. `Thinkful - Dictionary drills: Order filler `__ #. `Neutralisation `__ #. `Floating point comparison `__ #. `Days in the year `__ #. `Sort My Textbooks `__ #. `Are there any arrows left? `__ #. `What's up next? `__ #. `Add new item (collections are passed by reference) `__ #. `Filtering even numbers (Bug Fixes) `__ #. `Aspect Ratio Cropping - Part 1 `__ #. `Total pressure calculation `__ #. `Flick Switch `__ #. `Geometry Basics: Circle Circumference in 2D `__ #. `Simple Fun #352: Reagent Formula `__ #. `Fix the loop! `__ #. `Training JS #32: methods of Math---round() ceil() and floor() `__ #. `Invalid Login - Bug Fixing #11 `__ #. `Geometry Basics: Circle Area in 2D `__ #. `Generate user links `__ #. `Byte me! `__ #. `Greek Sort `__ #. `Pole Vault Starting Marks `__ #. `Up and down, the string grows `__ #. `Find the force of gravity between two objects `__ #. `Enumerable Magic #30 - Split that Array! `__ #. `Circles in Polygons `__ #. `Vexing Vanishing Values `__ #. `A Letter's Best Friend `__ #. `Collinearity `__ Codewars Katas 7kyu ------------------- Katas de nivel 7. Dificultad fácil. #. `Vowel Count `__ #. `Disemvowel Trolls `__ #. `Square Every Digit `__ #. `Highest and Lowest `__ #. `You're a square! `__ #. `List Filtering `__ #. `Descending Order `__ #. `Get the Middle Character `__ #. `Isograms `__ #. `Exes and Ohs `__ #. `Jaden Casing Strings `__ #. `Shortest Word `__ #. `Mumbling `__ #. `Complementary DNA `__ #. `Sum of two lowest positive integers `__ #. `String ends with? `__ #. `Beginner Series #3 Sum of Numbers `__ #. `Credit Card Mask `__ #. `Friend or Foe? `__ #. `Binary Addition `__ #. `Is this a triangle? `__ #. `Regex validate PIN code `__ #. `Two to One `__ #. `Sum of odd numbers `__ #. `Categorize New Member `__ #. `Find the next perfect square! `__ #. `Growth of a Population `__ #. `Printer Errors `__ #. `Ones and Zeros `__ #. `Number of People in the Bus `__ #. `Reverse words `__ #. `Odd or Even? `__ #. `The highest profit wins! `__ #. `Sum of the first nth term of Series `__ #. `Find the divisors! `__ #. `Remove the minimum `__ #. `Testing 1-2-3 `__ #. `Count the divisors of a number `__ #. `Find the stray number `__ #. `Sort Numbers `__ #. `Breaking chocolate problem `__ #. `Make a function that does arithmetic! `__ #. `Count the Digit `__ #. `Anagram Detection `__ #. `Sum of a sequence `__ #. `Sort array by string length `__ #. `Money, Money, Money `__ #. `Remove anchor from URL `__ #. `Factorial `__ #. `Don't give me five! `__ #. `Find the capitals `__ #. `Small enough? - Beginner `__ #. `Leap Years `__ #. `Summing a number's digits `__ #. `Sum of angles `__ #. `Find the middle element `__ #. `Two Oldest Ages `__ #. `Simple Fun #176: Reverse Letter `__ #. `Round up to the next multiple of 5 `__ #. `Maximum Multiple `__ #. `The Coupon Code `__ #. `No oddities here `__ #. `Alternate capitalization `__ #. `Largest 5 digit number in a series `__ #. `Fix string case `__ #. `Triangular Treasure `__ #. `Maximum Length Difference `__ #. `Are the numbers in order? `__ #. `Check the exam `__ #. `Number of Decimal Digits `__ #. `Flatten and sort an array `__ #. `Two fighters, one winner. `__ #. `Deodorant Evaporator `__ #. `JavaScript Array Filter `__ #. `Form The Minimum `__ #. `Fizz Buzz `__ #. `Factorial `__ #. `Sum of Minimums! `__ #. `Power of two `__ #. `Predict your age! `__ #. `Row Weights `__ #. `Greet Me `__ #. `Sum of numbers from 0 to N `__ #. `Remove duplicate words `__ #. `Sum of Cubes `__ #. `Sorted? yes? no? how? `__ #. `Find the vowels `__ #. `Greatest common divisor `__ #. `Sort the Gift Code `__ #. `Love vs friendship `__ #. `Bumps in the Road `__ #. `Digits explosion `__ #. `Functional Addition `__ #. `Head, Tail, Init and Last `__ #. `Alphabet war `__ #. `Largest pair sum in array `__ #. `Build a square `__ #. `Maximum Product `__ #. `Even numbers in an array `__ #. `Switcheroo `__ #. `Filter the number `__ #. `Sum of Triangular Numbers `__ #. `My Language Skills `__ #. `Simple beads count `__ #. `Boiled Eggs `__ #. `Sort arrays - 1 `__ #. `Unlucky Days `__ #. `Minimize Sum Of Array (Array Series #1) `__ #. `Speed Control `__ #. `Odd-Even String Sort `__ #. `Parts of a list `__ #. `Maximum Triplet Sum (Array Series #7) `__ #. `Higher-Order Functions Series - Count the number of JavaScript developers coming from Europe `__ #. `Most digits `__ #. `Over The Road `__ #. `Currying functions: multiply all elements in an array `__ #. `Palindrome chain length `__ #. `Smallest value of an array `__ #. `Simple remove duplicates `__ #. `16+18=214 `__ #. `Divide and Conquer `__ #. `Ordered Count of Characters `__ #. `Moves in squared strings (I) `__ #. `Building Strings From a Hash `__ #. `Convert an array of strings to array of numbers `__ #. `Cats and shelves `__ #. `Number Of Occurrences `__ #. `Reverse a Number `__ #. `Largest Square Inside A Circle `__ #. `Perimeter sequence `__ #. `Alphabet symmetry `__ #. `Halving Sum `__ #. `Flatten `__ #. `Unpacking Arguments `__ #. `A Rule of Divisibility by 7 `__ #. `Digitize `__ #. `Sum even numbers `__ #. `Basic Sequence Practice `__ #. `Simple Fun #74: Growing Plant `__ #. `Area of a Circle `__ #. `Going to the cinema `__ #. `max diff - easy `__ #. `Find the nth Digit of a Number `__ #. `Largest Elements `__ #. `All unique `__ #. `Sum of all arguments `__ #. `Coding Meetup #2 - Higher-Order Functions Series - Greet developers `__ #. `V A P O R C O D E `__ #. `Alphabetical Addition `__ #. `shorter concat [reverse longer] `__ #. `Refactored Greeting `__ #. `Char Code Calculation `__ #. `Substituting Variables Into Strings: Padded Numbers `__ #. `Nth Smallest Element (Array Series #4) `__ #. `Nickname Generator `__ #. `Incrementer `__ #. `Strong Number (Special Numbers Series #2) `__ #. `Building blocks `__ #. `Simple string characters `__ #. `Find Count of Most Frequent Item in an Array `__ #. `Alternate case `__ #. `Coloured Triangles `__ #. `Balanced Number (Special Numbers Series #1 ) `__ #. `Vowel one `__ #. `Automorphic Number (Special Numbers Series #6) `__ #. `Drying Potatoes `__ #. `Return the Missing Element `__ #. `Averages of numbers `__ #. `Remove All The Marked Elements of a List `__ #. `Spacify `__ #. `Complete The Pattern #1 `__ #. `Sum of array singles `__ #. `Simple consecutive pairs `__ #. `esreveR `__ #. `Tidy Number (Special Numbers Series #9) `__ #. `Sort Out The Men From Boys `__ #. `Coding Meetup #3 - Higher-Order Functions Series - Is Ruby coming? `__ #. `Sum of Odd Cubed Numbers `__ #. `Who is the killer? `__ #. `FIXME: Get Full Name `__ #. `Last Survivor `__ #. `All Inclusive? `__ #. `Basic Calculator `__ #. `How many arguments `__ #. `Product Of Maximums Of Array (Array Series #2) `__ #. `getNames() `__ #. `Debug Sum of Digits of a Number `__ #. `Rotate for a Max `__ #. `Folding your way to the moon `__ #. `Sum of integers in string `__ #. `Simple Fun #152: Invite More Women? `__ #. `Caffeine Script `__ #. `Disarium Number (Special Numbers Series #3) `__ #. `Coding Meetup #4 - Higher-Order Functions Series - Find the first Python developer `__ #. `Collatz Conjecture Length `__ #. `Lost number in number sequence `__ #. `Sort by Last Char `__ #. `Looking for a benefactor `__ #. `Find The Duplicated Number in a Consecutive Unsorted List `__ #. `Regexp Basics - is it a vowel? `__ #. `Longest vowel chain `__ #. `Colour Association `__ #. `Squares sequence `__ #. `Special Number (Special Numbers Series #5) `__ #. `Elapsed Seconds `__ #. `Return the first M multiples of N `__ #. `Indexed capitalization `__ #. `Array element parity `__ #. `Make them bark! `__ #. `Combine objects `__ #. `Cat and Mouse - Easy Version `__ #. `Product Array (Array Series #5) `__ #. `Heron's formula `__ #. `Insert dashes `__ #. `How many are smaller than me? `__ #. `Convert a linked list to a string `__ #. `Find the missing element between two arrays `__ #. `Javascript filter - 1 `__ #. `Get decimal part of the given number `__ #. `The wheat/rice and chessboard problem `__ #. `Last `__ #. `The old switcheroo `__ #. `Jumping Number (Special Numbers Series #4) `__ #. `Running out of space `__ #. `Regexp Basics - is it a letter? `__ #. `Count consonants `__ #. `Coding Meetup #6 - Higher-Order Functions Series - Can they code in the same language? `__ #. `The Office I - Outed `__ #. `ToLeetSpeak `__ #. `Basic JS - Calculating averages `__ #. `Split The Bill `__ #. `Making Copies `__ #. `Array Leaders (Array Series #3) `__ #. `Find the Capitals `__ #. `Return substring instance count `__ #. `Is n divisible by (...)? `__ #. `Complete The Pattern #2 `__ #. `Coding Meetup #5 - Higher-Order Functions Series - Prepare the count of languages `__ #. `Changing letters `__ #. `Word values `__ #. `Nth power rules them all! `__ #. `Easy mathematical callback `__ #. `Between Extremes `__ #. `Remove consecutive duplicate words `__ #. `Arithmetic Sequence! `__ #. `Split In Parts `__ #. `Birthday I - Cake `__ #. `Discover The Original Price `__ #. `Count all the sheep on farm in the heights of New Zealand `__ #. `Easy wallpaper `__ #. `Return the closest number multiple of 10 `__ #. `Person Class Bug `__ #. `By 3, or not by 3? That is the question . . . `__ #. `Chain me `__ #. `Digital cypher `__ #. `Help the Fruit Guy `__ #. `Numbers in strings `__ #. `Maximum Gap (Array Series #4) `__ #. `String Reordering `__ #. `Vampire Numbers `__ #. `Spoonerize Me `__ #. `Elevator Distance `__ #. `Average Scores `__ #. `Length and two values. `__ #. `All Star Code Challenge #22 `__ #. `Unique string characters `__ #. `Valid Parentheses `__ #. `Reverse list `__ #. `Numbers to Letters `__ #. `Valid Spacing `__ #. `Return a string's even characters. `__ #. `Selective fear of numbers `__ #. `Responsible Drinking `__ #. `Formatting decimal places #1 `__ #. `Monotone travel `__ #. `Area of an arrow `__ #. `Fibonacci `__ #. `Evens and Odds `__ #. `Simple Fun #2: Circle of Numbers `__ #. `Absent vowel `__ #. `Drone Fly-By `__ #. `Compare Strings by Sum of Chars `__ #. `Sum a list but ignore any duplicates `__ #. `ATM `__ #. `Find Screen Size `__ #. `See You Next Happy Year `__ #. `Two numbers are positive `__ #. `Holiday III - Fire on the boat `__ #. `Extra Perfect Numbers (Special Numbers Series #7) `__ #. `Bingo ( Or Not ) `__ #. `Bubblesort Once `__ #. `Return String of First Characters `__ #. `Computer problem series #1: Fill the Hard Disk Drive `__ #. `The Office IV - Find a Meeting Room `__ #. `Milk and Cookies for Santa `__ #. `Nice Array `__ #. `The fusc function -- Part 1 `__ #. `makeBackronym `__ #. `Search for letters `__ #. `Evens times last `__ #. `Letterbox Paint-Squad `__ #. `Partial Word Searching `__ #. `Dot Calculator `__ #. `Previous multiple of three `__ #. `Float Precision `__ #. `Say hello! `__ #. `First-Class Function Factory `__ #. `Basic Math (Add or Subtract) `__ #. `Minimum Steps (Array Series #6) `__ #. `Filter Long Words `__ #. `Simple Fun #37: House Numbers Sum `__ #. `Find min and max `__ #. `Trimming a string `__ #. `Powers of i `__ #. `Covfefe `__ #. `Band name generator `__ #. `Reverse the bits in an integer `__ #. `Which color is the brightest? `__ #. `SevenAte9 `__ #. `Even or Odd - Which is Greater? `__ #. `The Office II - Boredom Score `__ #. `Filter unused digits `__ #. `Especially Joyful Numbers `__ #. `Thinking & Testing: A and B? `__ #. `String Merge! `__ #. `Credit card issuer checking `__ #. `Pluck `__ #. `Linked Lists - Push & BuildOneTwoThree `__ #. `Help Suzuki rake his garden! `__ #. `Arithmetic progression `__ #. `How many consecutive numbers are needed? `__ #. `Find the Missing Number `__ #. `Number-Star ladder `__ #. `Check for prime numbers `__ #. `Thinkful - String Drills: Quotable `__ #. `Coding Meetup #11 - Higher-Order Functions Series - Find the average age `__ #. `Plus - minus - plus - plus - ... - Count `__ #. `Scaling Squared Strings `__ #. `Consecutive items `__ #. `Coding Meetup #12 - Higher-Order Functions Series - Find GitHub admins `__ #. `Interactive Dictionary `__ #. `Candy problem `__ #. `Character Counter `__ #. `Interview Question (easy) `__ #. `Linked Lists - Get Nth Node `__ #. `Counting in the Amazon `__ #. `Determine if the poker hand is flush `__ #. `Ninja vs Samurai: Strike `__ #. `Return a sorted list of objects `__ #. `Arithmetic List! `__ #. `Sorting Dictionaries `__ #. `LinkedList -> Array `__ #. `For the sake of argument `__ #. `last digits of a number `__ #. `Password maker `__ #. `Correct the time-string `__ #. `Stanton measure `__ #. `Dictionary from two lists `__ #. `Find the index of the second occurrence of a letter in a string `__ #. `Difference Of Squares `__ #. `Convert Hash To An Array `__ #. `Help Bob count letters and digits. `__ #. `How Green Is My Valley? `__ #. `Naughty or Nice? `__ #. `Simple string reversal `__ #. `Numbers with this digit inside `__ #. `Find sum of top-left to bottom-right diagonals `__ #. `Who's Online? `__ #. `Coding Meetup #14 - Higher-Order Functions Series - Order the food `__ #. `Find all occurrences of an element in an array `__ #. `Sort Santa's Reindeer `__ #. `Find Duplicates `__ #. `Pandemia 🌡️ `__ #. `Waiting room `__ #. `Find Your Villain Name `__ #. `Consecutive letters `__ #. `Substring fun `__ #. `Eliminate the intruders! Bit manipulation `__ #. `Frequency sequence `__ #. `L2: Triple X `__ #. `Password Hashes `__ #. `Inspiring Strings `__ #. `Fix My Phone Numbers! `__ #. `What a "Classy" Song `__ #. `Double Sort `__ #. `Recursion 101 `__ #. `Ghostbusters (whitespace removal) `__ #. `Invisible cubes `__ #. `All Star Code Challenge #3 `__ #. `Multiples! `__ #. `Move 10 `__ #. `Double Every Other `__ #. `Sum of a Beach `__ #. `Is It Negative Zero (-0)? `__ #. `Nth Root of a Number `__ #. `Exclamation marks series #13: Count the number of exclamation marks and question marks, return the product `__ #. `Password validator `__ #. `The Poet And The Pendulum `__ #. `Snail crawls up `__ #. `Retrieve array value by index with default `__ #. `Alphabetically ordered `__ #. `254 shades of grey `__ #. `Power of 4 `__ #. `Hells Kitchen `__ #. `Number of Rectangles in a Grid `__ #. `Max-min arrays `__ #. `String matchup `__ #. `Replace every nth `__ #. `What dominates your array? `__ #. `Scrolling Text `__ #. `Multiply Word in String `__ #. `Tail Swap `__ #. `Filter Coffee `__ #. `Find the Squares `__ #. `The reject() function `__ #. `Check three and two `__ #. `Number Pairs `__ #. `Broken sequence `__ #. `Four/Seven `__ #. `Are they square? `__ #. `Keep the Order `__ #. `Hello World - Without Strings `__ #. `Slope of a Line `__ #. `Initialize my name `__ #. `Keypad horror `__ #. `Enumerable Magic #5- True for Just One? `__ #. `Clean up after your dog `__ #. `Populate hash with array keys and default value `__ #. `C.Wars `__ #. `The Office III - Broken Photocopier `__ #. `Converting integer to currency format `__ #. `Battle of the characters (Easy) `__ #. `Reverser `__ #. `String to integer conversion `__ #. `Sum - Square Even, Root Odd `__ #. `Numbers to Objects `__ #. `What's my golf score? `__ #. `Is every value in the array an array? `__ Codewars Katas 6kyu ------------------- Katas de nivel 6. Dificultad moderada. #. `Multiples of 3 or 5 `__ #. `Who likes it? `__ #. `Create Phone Number `__ #. `Find the odd int `__ #. `Array.diff `__ #. `Sum of Digits / Digital Root `__ #. `Stop gninnipS My sdroW! `__ #. `Bit Counting `__ #. `Counting Duplicates `__ #. `Duplicate Encoder `__ #. `Find The Parity Outlier `__ #. `Replace With Alphabet Position `__ #. `Persistent Bugger. `__ #. `Take a Ten Minutes Walk `__ #. `Convert string to camel case `__ #. `Unique In Order `__ #. `Detect Pangram `__ #. `Does my number look big in this? `__ #. `Your order, please `__ #. `Tribonacci Sequence `__ #. `Split Strings `__ #. `Find the unique number `__ #. `Playing with digits `__ #. `Equal Sides Of An Array `__ #. `Decode the Morse code `__ #. `Is a number prime? `__ #. `Break camelCase `__ #. `Sort the odd `__ #. `Are they the "same"? `__ #. `Build Tower `__ #. `Find the missing letter `__ #. `Highest Scoring Word `__ #. `Count the smiley faces! `__ #. `Delete occurrences of an element if it occurs more than n times `__ #. `Bouncing Balls `__ #. `Count characters in your string `__ #. `Build a pile of Cubes `__ #. `Which are in? `__ #. `Consecutive strings `__ #. `Write Number in Expanded Form `__ #. `Two Sum `__ #. `Valid Braces `__ #. `Mexican Wave `__ #. `Take a Number And Sum Its Digits Raised To The Consecutive Powers And ....¡Eureka!! `__ #. `Roman Numerals Encoder `__ #. `The Supermarket Queue `__ #. `Roman Numerals Decoder `__ #. `WeIrD StRiNg CaSe `__ #. `CamelCase Method `__ #. `IP Validation `__ #. `Title Case `__ #. `Multiplication table `__ #. `Give me a Diamond `__ #. `Make the Deadfish Swim `__ #. `Rectangle into Squares `__ #. `Tortoise racing `__ #. `Help the bookseller ! `__ #. `Simple Encryption #1 - Alternating Split `__ #. `Good vs Evil `__ #. `Sums of Parts `__ #. `Reverse or rotate? `__ #. `Data Reverse `__ #. `Encrypt this! `__ #. `N-th Fibonacci `__ #. `Find the missing term in an Arithmetic Progression `__ #. `Meeting `__ #. `Valid Phone Number `__ #. `The Vowel Code `__ #. `Buying a car `__ #. `Backspaces in string `__ #. `Consonant value `__ #. `Pyramid Array `__ #. `Length of missing array `__ #. `Highest Rank Number in an Array `__ #. `Validate Credit Card Number `__ #. `A Rule of Divisibility by 13 `__ #. `Pair of gloves `__ #. `Triple trouble `__ #. `Dashatize it `__ #. `Function Composition `__ #. `Handshake problem `__ #. `Multi-tap Keypad Text Entry on an Old Mobile Phone `__ #. `Fibonacci, Tribonacci and friends `__ #. `Matrix Addition `__ #. `Array Deep Count `__ #. `Prefill an Array `__ #. `Kebabize `__ #. `Don't rely on luck. `__ #. `Word a10n (abbreviation) `__ #. `Pascal's Triangle `__ #. `Street Fighter 2 - Character Selection `__ #. `Lottery Ticket `__ #. `Playing with passphrases `__ #. `Character with longest consecutive repetition `__ #. `Reverse polish notation calculator `__ #. `+1 Array `__ #. `Fold an array `__ #. `If you can read this... `__ #. `longest_palindrome `__ #. `Base Conversion `__ #. `IPv4 to int32 `__ #. `Reverse every other word in the string `__ #. `Statistics for an Athletic Association `__ #. `Run-length encoding `__ #. `What century is it? `__ #. `Linked Lists - Length & Count `__ #. `Grouped by commas `__ #. `Decipher this! `__ #. `Two Joggers `__ #. `Sorting by bits `__ #. `Triangle type `__ #. `Clocky Mc Clock-Face `__ #. `New Cashier Does Not Know About Space or Shift `__ #. `Ball Upwards `__ #. `Sum consecutives `__ #. `English beggars `__ #. `extract portion of file name `__ #. `Rainfall `__ #. `Mutual Recursion `__ #. `String array duplicates `__ #. `Let's Recycle! `__ #. `Backwards Read Primes `__ #. `Sort Arrays (Ignoring Case) `__ #. `Calculate String Rotation `__ #. `Maze Runner `__ #. `Unary function chainer `__ #. `Put the exclamation marks and question marks on the balance - are they balanced? `__ #. `Coordinates Validator `__ #. `Where is my parent!?(cry) `__ #. `How Much? `__ #. `Prize Draw `__ #. `Introduction to Esolangs and My First Interpreter (MiniStringFuck) `__ #. `Steps in Primes `__ #. `zipWith `__ #. `Primorial Of a Number `__ #. `Salesman's Travel `__ #. `Hamming Distance `__ #. `Is Integer Array? `__ #. `String transformer `__ #. `Remove the parentheses `__ #. `Difference of 2 `__ #. `Bingo Card `__ #. `Arrh, grabscrab! `__ #. `Image host filename generator `__ #. `Matrix Transpose `__ #. `The Deaf Rats of Hamelin `__ #. `"Stringing"+"Me"+"Along" `__ #. `Format words into a sentence `__ #. `Sequences and Series `__ #. `Find the Mine! `__ #. `Pascal's Triangle #2 `__ #. `Number Zoo Patrol `__ #. `Design a Simple Automaton (Finite State Machine) `__ #. `Transform To Prime `__ #. `Manhattan Distance `__ #. `Autocomplete! Yay! `__ #. `Twisted Sum `__ #. `PI approximation `__ #. `Higher-Order Functions Series - Find the most senior developer `__ #. `Triangle number check `__ #. `Loose Change `__ #. `Evil Autocorrect Prank `__ #. `Throwing Darts `__ #. `Higher-Order Functions Series - Will all continents be represented? `__ #. `Binary to Text (ASCII) Conversion `__ #. `Financing Plan on Planet XY140Z-n `__ #. `Tank Truck `__ #. `All Star Code Challenge #15 `__ #. `A disguised sequence (I) `__ #. `Integer depth `__ #. `Moves in squared strings (II) `__ #. `Collatz `__ #. `Who has the most money? `__ #. `Simple Fun #79: Delete a Digit `__ #. `Playing on a chessboard `__ #. `Banker's Plan `__ #. `Strip Url Params `__ #. `Reducing by steps `__ #. `Srot the inner ctonnet in dsnnieedcg oredr `__ #. `Calculate the area of a regular n sides polygon inside a circle of radius r `__ #. `Simple frequency sort `__ #. `Irreducible Sum of Rationals `__ #. `Round by 0.5 steps `__ #. `Pokemon Damage Calculator `__ #. `How many pages in a book? `__ #. `Almost Even `__ #. `PatternCraft - Strategy `__ #. `PatternCraft - State `__ #. `String average `__ #. `PatternCraft - Decorator `__ #. `Duplicate Arguments `__ #. `Clock in Mirror `__ #. `Positions Average `__ #. `Custom FizzBuzz Array `__ #. `Arrays Similar `__ #. `Simple Substitution Cipher Helper `__ #. `Simple Sentences `__ #. `Find within array `__ #. `Coding Meetup #15 - Higher-Order Functions Series - Find the odd names `__ #. `Ackermann Function `__ #. `Angle Between Clock Hands `__ #. `Coding Meetup #9 - Higher-Order Functions Series - Is the meetup age-diverse? `__ #. `Error correction #1 - Hamming Code `__ #. `Who won the election? `__ #. `Most Frequent Weekdays `__ #. `Shortest steps to a number `__ #. `Row of the odd triangle `__ #. `Alphabet war - airstrike - letters massacre `__ #. `Prime Factors `__ #. `More Zeros than Ones `__ #. `The Shell Game `__ #. `Numericals of a String `__ #. `Schrödinger's Boolean `__ #. `Sum two arrays `__ #. `RoboScript #1 - Implement Syntax Highlighting `__ #. `Piano Kata, Part 1 `__ #. `Compare Versions `__ #. `Permute a Palindrome `__ #. `What's A Name In? `__ #. `Message Validator `__ #. `Complete Fibonacci Series `__ #. `ASCII hex converter `__ #. `Alphabetized `__ #. `Basic Encryption `__ #. `Simple Simple Simple String Expansion `__ #. `Count the divisible numbers `__ #. `Are we alternate? `__ #. `Braking well `__ #. `Adding ordinal indicator suffixes to numbers `__ #. `up AND down `__ #. `Longest alphabetical substring `__ #. `Lambdas as a mechanism for Open/Closed `__ #. `Fruit Machine `__ #. `Number Format `__ #. `Parabolic Arc Length `__ #. `Sum of many ints `__ #. `Even Fibonacci Sum `__ #. `Hidden "Cubic" numbers `__ #. `Coding Meetup #13 - Higher-Order Functions Series - Is the meetup language-diverse? `__ #. `Hanoi record `__ #. `Feynman's square question `__ #. `Function iteration `__ #. `Crack the PIN `__ #. `Color Choice `__ #. `Frog jumping `__ #. `Split and then add both sides of an array together. `__ #. `Easy Balance Checking `__ #. `Simple card game `__ #. `Reach Me and Sum my Digits `__ #. `The Office V - Find a Chair `__ #. `Adjacent repeated words in a string `__ #. `Turn String Input into Hash `__ #. `Sorting on planet Twisted-3-7 `__ #. `The maximum sum value of ranges -- Simple version `__ #. `Regexp Basics - is it IPv4 address? `__ #. `Moves in squared strings (III) `__ #. `Reversing a Process `__ #. `Catalog `__ #. `first character that repeats `__ #. `Change it up `__ #. `Arabian String `__ #. `1RM Calculator `__ #. `Basics 08: Find next higher number with same Bits (1's) `__ #. `1/n- Cycle `__ #. `Linked Lists - Insert Nth Node `__ #. `Casino chips `__ #. `Dbftbs Djqifs `__ #. `Valid string `__ #. `Harshad or Niven numbers `__ #. `Bowling Pins `__ #. `Sum of prime-indexed elements `__ #. `N smallest elements in original order `__ #. `Look and say numbers `__ #. `Parse HTML/CSS Colors `__ #. `Sort My Animals `__ #. `Sortable Shapes `__ #. `I need more speed! `__ #. `The Enigma Machine - Part 1: The Plugboard `__ #. `Errors : histogram `__ #. `Framed Reflection `__ #. `Emotional Sort ( ︶︿︶) `__ #. `HTML dynamic color string generation `__ #. `The takeWhile Function `__ #. `Zero-plentiful Array `__ #. `The Book of Mormon `__ #. `Duplicates. Duplicates Everywhere. `__ #. `Odd-heavy Array `__ #. `Number of anagrams in an array of words `__ #. `Simple string indices `__ #. `Dead Ants `__ #. `Upside down numbers `__ #. `Doors in the school `__ #. `Cat and Mouse - Harder Version `__ #. `Easy Diagonal `__ #. `uniq (UNIX style) `__ #. `Pizza pieces `__ #. `Custom Array Filters `__ #. `Quick (n choose k) calculator `__ #. `Fibonacci Reloaded `__ #. `Potion Class 101 `__ #. `Breaking search bad `__ #. `Circularly Sorted Array `__ #. `Rotate Array `__ #. `Array combinations `__ #. `Last Survivors Ep.2 `__ #. `Ease the StockBroker `__ #. `Calculate number of inversions in array `__ #. `Pairs of Bears `__ #. `Linked Lists - Sorted Insert `__ #. `Compare powers `__ #. `Selective Array Reversing `__ #. `Unwanted dollars `__ #. `Exercise in Summing `__ #. `Find Cracker. `__ #. `Single character palindromes `__ #. `Moduli number system `__ #. `Estimating Amounts of Subsets `__ #. `Pentabonacci `__ #. `Urban Dictionary `__ #. `Lowest product of 4 consecutive numbers `__ #. `Next Version `__ #. `Sudoku board validator `__ #. `Count the days! `__ #. `FIXME: Hello `__ #. `Simple Fun #52: Pair Of Shoes `__ #. `Binaries `__ #. `Anagram difference `__ #. `Repeated Substring `__ #. `IP Address to Number `__ #. `Linked Lists - Remove Duplicates `__ #. `Organise duplicate numbers in list `__ #. `Parse a linked list from a string `__ #. `Element equals its index `__ #. `Simpson's Rule - Approximate Integration `__ #. `80's Kids #7: She's a Small Wonder `__ #. `Tic-Tac-Toe-like table Generator `__ #. `Ascend, Descend, Repeat? `__ #. `Single Word Pig Latin `__ #. `Data compression using run-length encoding `__ #. `Write Number in Expanded Form - Part 2 `__ #. `Inside Out Strings `__ #. `Basics 03: Strings, Numbers and Calculation `__ #. `Build Tower Advanced `__ #. `Reverse Vowels In A String `__ #. `Swap Case Using N `__ #. `Rotate Array (JS) `__ #. `Uncollapse Digits `__ #. `Wave Sorting `__ #. `Disease Spread `__ #. `Sqrt approximation `__ #. `Simple Fun #23: Square Digits Sequence `__ #. `Rank Vector `__ #. `Begin your day with a challenge, but an easy one. `__ #. `The maximum and minimum difference -- Simple version `__ #. `Mysterious function `__ #. `Cycle a list of values `__ #. `Surrounding Primes for a value `__ #. `Killer Garage Door `__ #. `A String of Sorts `__ #. `Separate The Wheat From The Chaff `__ #. `Lucas numbers `__ #. `String tops `__ #. `Vowels Back `__ #. `How Many Reindeers? `__ #. `Convert integer to Whitespace format `__ #. `Padovan numbers `__ #. `Return 1, 2, 3 randomly `__ #. `Back and forth then Reverse! `__ #. `Only Duplicates `__ #. `Binary Tree Compare `__ #. `Numbers of Letters of Numbers `__ #. `Multiples of 3 and 5 redux `__ #. `Simple Fun #305: Typist `__ #. `Assemble string `__ #. `Happy numbers `__ #. `Sum of a Sequence [Hard-Core Version] `__ #. `Simple Fun #141: Hamming Distance `__ #. `Calculate Pyramid Height `__ #. `Car Number Plate Calculator `__ #. `File Path Operations `__ #. `Calculate the function f(x) for a simple linear sequence (Easy) `__ #. `String subpattern recognition I `__ #. `Cat Kata, Part 1 `__ #. `The Lamp: Revisited `__ #. `Follow that Spy `__ #. `Three added Characters `__ #. `ASCII Fun #1: X- Shape `__ #. `Smallest Permutation `__ #. `Twin Prime `__ #. `Simple prime streaming `__ #. `Making Change `__ #. `SHA-256 `__ #. `Points in the circle `__ #. `Simple Web Framework #1: Create a basic router `__ #. `Squares in a Rectangle `__ #. `Simple Fun #160: Cut The Ropes `__ #. `RNA to Protein Sequence Translation `__ #. `Determine the date by the day number `__ #. `Non-even substrings `__ #. `Find last Fibonacci digit [hardcore version] `__ #. `Moves in squared strings (IV) `__ #. `Numerical Palindrome #1.5 `__ #. `Fun with lists: countIf `__ #. `Versions manager `__ #. `ASCII Fun #2: Funny Dots `__ #. `Jungerstein's Math Training Room: 1. How many zeros are at the end of n!! ? `__ #. `Find The Duplicated Number in a Consecutive Unsorted List - Tougher Version `__ #. `Common array elements `__ #. `Point in Polygon `__ #. `search in multidimensional array `__ #. `Sort odd and even numbers in different order `__ #. `Simple time difference `__ #. `Greatest Position Distance Between Matching Array Values `__ #. `Cumulative Triangle `__ #. `Thinkful - Logic Drills: Red and bumpy `__ #. `Check if two words are isomorphic to each other `__ #. `Bonuses `__ #. `Floating-point Approximation (I) `__ #. `Number , number ... wait LETTER ! `__ #. `Complete The Pattern #8 - Number Pyramid `__ #. `Nested List Depth `__ #. `Make A Window `__ #. `Ordinal Numbers `__ #. `Consecutive Count `__ #. `Create a frame! `__ #. `Sort sentence pseudo-alphabetically `__ #. `Loneliest character `__ #. `Vowel Shifting `__ #. `Sequence classifier `__ #. `Checkered Board `__ #. `High score table `__ #. `Reducing by rules to get the result `__ #. `Alternating Loops `__ #. `Simple Fun #135: Missing Alphabets `__ #. `Yes No Yes No `__ #. `Pete, the baker (part 2) `__ #. `Odd/Even number of divisors `__ #. `Proof Read `__ #. `Master of Files `__ #. `Simple decrypt algo `__ #. `Simple square numbers `__ #. `Word Mesh `__ #. `Array Exchange `__ #. `SumFibs `__ #. `Midpoint Sum `__ #. `Generic numeric template formatter `__ #. `Prime factorization `__ #. `Simple Fun #15: Addition without Carrying `__ #. `Divisible Ints `__ #. `World Bits War `__ #. `Adding Binary Numbers `__ #. `Special Multiples `__ #. `Required Data I `__ #. `Ranking NBA teams `__ #. `Simple Fun #165: Withdraw `__ #. `Number of measurements to spot the counterfeit coin `__ #. `Find X `__ #. `Polybius square cipher - encode `__ #. `Plenty of Fish in the Pond `__ #. `Running Average `__ #. `Words to Hex `__ #. `Strongest even number in an interval `__ #. `PhoneWords `__ #. `Regex Tic Tac Toe Win Checker `__ #. `Pell Numbers `__ #. `Count the photos! `__ #. `String Suffixes `__ #. `Basics 06: Reversing and Combining Text `__ #. `Piano Kata, Part 2 `__ #. `String searching with wildcard `__ #. `Inserting multiple strings into another string `__ #. `Reverse a singly-linked list `__ #. `Simple Fun #132: Number Of Carries `__ #. `Points On A Line `__ #. `Not prime numbers `__ #. `Address Book by State `__ #. `Ping-Pong service problem `__ #. `Fractions class `__ #. `Count Repeats `__ #. `Most profit from stock quotes `__ #. `Find the Nexus of the Codewars Universe `__ #. `Spelling Bee `__ #. `Sort Strings by Most Contiguous Vowels `__ #. `The Walker `__ #. `Linear Regression of Y on X `__ #. `Missing Alphabet `__ #. `Numerical Palindrome #4 `__ #. `Binding within the List Monad `__ #. `Unknown amount of duplicates. One missing number. `__ #. `Keyword Cipher `__ #. `Linked Lists - Insert Sort `__ #. `Permutations and Dot Products `__ #. `Simple Fun #258: Is Divisible By 6 `__ #. `What's Your Poison? `__ #. `I Liked the SQL Better... `__ #. `Simple nearest prime `__ #. `Convert ISBN-10 to ISBN-13 `__ #. `Palindromic Numbers `__ #. `FIRE and FURY `__ Codewars Katas 5kyu ------------------- Katas de nivel 5. Dificultad moderada alta. #. `Moving Zeros To The End `__ #. `Simple Pig Latin `__ #. `Human Readable Time `__ #. `RGB To Hex Conversion `__ #. `The Hashtag Generator `__ #. `Rot13 `__ #. `Directions Reduction `__ #. `Calculating with Functions `__ #. `Maximum subarray sum `__ #. `Extract the domain name from a URL `__ #. `Pete, the baker `__ #. `Product of consecutive Fib numbers `__ #. `First non-repeating character `__ #. `Scramblies `__ #. `Weight for weight `__ #. `Number of trailing zeros of N! `__ #. `Greed is Good `__ #. `String incrementer `__ #. `Not very secure `__ #. `Perimeter of squares in a rectangle `__ #. `PaginationHelper `__ #. `Primes in numbers `__ #. `A Chain adding function `__ #. `Can you get the loop ? `__ #. `Regex Password Validation `__ #. `Pick peaks `__ #. `Integers: Recreation One `__ #. `Sum of Pairs `__ #. `int32 to IPv4 `__ #. `Count IP Addresses `__ #. `Last digit of a large number `__ #. `Memoized Fibonacci `__ #. `ROT13 `__ #. `Tic-Tac-Toe Checker `__ #. `Gap in Primes `__ #. `Best travel `__ #. `What's a Perfect Power anyway? `__ #. `Mean Square Error `__ #. `Is my friend cheating? `__ #. `Beeramid `__ #. `Josephus Survivor `__ #. `Josephus Permutation `__ #. `Common Denominators `__ #. `Convert PascalCase string into snake_case `__ #. `Convert A Hex String To RGB `__ #. `ISBN-10 Validation `__ #. `Merged String Checker `__ #. `My smallest code interpreter (aka Brainf**k) `__ #. `Vector class `__ #. `Simple assembler interpreter `__ #. `Factorial decomposition `__ #. `Square Matrix Multiplication `__ #. `Lazy Repeater `__ #. `Snakes and Ladders `__ #. `Longest Common Subsequence `__ #. `Phone Directory `__ #. `Molecule to atoms `__ #. `(Ready for) Prime Time `__ #. `Simple Events `__ #. `Going to zero or to infinity? `__ #. `Find the unique string `__ #. `Base64 Encoding `__ #. `Find the smallest `__ #. `First Variation on Caesar Cipher `__ #. `Land perimeter `__ #. `Simple fraction to mixed number converter `__ #. `Diophantine Equation `__ #. `Did you mean ...? `__ #. `Buddy Pairs `__ #. `Luck check `__ #. `Least Common Multiple `__ #. `Decimal to Factorial and Back `__ #. `Help your granny! `__ #. `Caesar Cipher Helper `__ #. `John and Ann sign up for Codewars `__ #. `Esolang Interpreters #2 - Custom Smallfuck Interpreter `__ #. `flatten() `__ #. `The Clockwise Spiral `__ #. `Guess The Gifts! `__ #. `Play with two Strings `__ #. `Write out numbers `__ #. `Closest and Smallest `__ #. `Largest product in a series `__ #. `Largest Difference in Increasing Indexes `__ #. `k-Primes `__ #. `Return substring instance count - 2 `__ #. `Blackjack Scorer `__ #. `Fun with trees: array to tree `__ #. `By the Power Set of Castle Grayskull `__ #. `The Hunger Games - Zoo Disaster! `__ #. `Some Egyptian fractions `__ #. `Airport Arrivals/Departures - #1 `__ #. `Which x for that sum? `__ #. `Don't Drink the Water `__ #. `Probabilities for Sums in Rolling Cubic Dice `__ #. `Simple Fun #166: Best Match `__ #. `80's Kids #6: Rock 'Em, Sock 'Em Robots `__ #. `Calculate Variance `__ #. `Secret knock `__ #. `Ninja vs Samurai: Attack + Block `__ #. `Matching And Substituting `__ #. `Rotate an array matrix `__ #. `Conway's Game of Life `__ #. `Finding an appointment `__ #. `Sort - one, three, two `__ #. `Consecutive k-Primes `__ #. `Battle ships: Sunk damaged or not touched? `__ #. `Metric Units - 1 `__ #. `Sort arrays - 3 `__ #. `Numbers that are a power of their sum of digits `__ #. `Coding with Squared Strings `__ #. `Street Fighter 2 - Character Selection - Part 2 `__ #. `Resistor Color Codes, Part 2 `__ #. `Mod4 Regex `__ #. `Simple string expansion `__ #. `Second Variation on Caesar Cipher `__ #. `Tongues `__ #. `Fibo akin `__ #. `validDate Regex `__ #. `Don't Eat the Last Cake! `__ #. `Interleaving Arrays `__ #. `Conway's Look and Say - Generalized `__ #. `Fibonacci Streaming `__ #. `Bird Mountain `__ #. `Find heavy ball - level: master `__ #. `Binary Tree Traversal `__ #. `Poker cards encoder/decoder `__ #. `Alphabet wars - nuclear strike `__ #. `1's, 0's and wildcards `__ #. `Prime number decompositions `__ #. `Emirps `__ #. `Mongodb ObjectID `__ #. `Mystery function #1 `__ #. `Connect 4 `__ #. `Basic DeNico `__ #. `Car Park Escape `__ #. `Paginating a huge book `__ #. `Bowling score calculator `__ #. `Linked Lists - Alternating Split `__ #. `Is the King in check ? `__ #. `All that is open must be closed... `__ #. `Convert all the cases! `__ #. `The Fruit Juice `__ #. `ASCII85 Encoding & Decoding `__ #. `How Many Numbers? II `__ #. `Fun with trees: is perfect `__ #. `Pascal's Diagonals `__ #. `Value of x `__ #. `A Man and his Umbrellas `__ #. `RoboScript #2 - Implement the RS1 Specification `__ #. `Sierpinski's Gasket `__ #. `Morse Encoding `__ #. `Simple CSS selector comparison `__ #. `Vigenère Autokey Cipher Helper `__ #. `First n Prime Numbers `__ #. `Base64 Numeric Translator `__ #. `Sum of (Two) Squares `__ #. `Evaluate a postfix expression `__ #. `Only-Readable-Once list `__ #. `Calculate Fibonacci return count of digit occurrences `__ #. `Sum and Rest the Number with its Reversed and See What Happens `__ #. `Basic Nico variation `__ #. `Zonk game `__ #. `Mixbonacci `__ #. `count '9's from 1 to n `__ #. `Grab CSV Columns `__ #. `Alphabet war - Wo lo loooooo priests join the war `__ #. `Square sums (simple) `__ #. `Efficient Power Modulo n `__ #. `Game - Electrons around the cores `__ #. `Knapsack Part 1 - The Greedy Solution `__ #. `Simple number sequence `__ #. `Missing number in Unordered Arithmetic Progression `__ #. `Ninety Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Nine `__ #. `Binary search tree validation `__ #. `Tree to list `__ #. `Let's Play Darts! `__ #. `Base -2 `__ #. `Compute the Largest Sum of all Contiguous Subsequences `__ #. `Scraping: Codewars Top 500 Users `__ #. `Primes with Even Digits `__ #. `Histogram - V1 `__ #. `Readability is King `__ #. `Linked Lists - Front Back Split `__ #. `Bananas `__ #. `uniq -c (UNIX style) `__ #. `Iterative Rotation Cipher `__ #. `Vector Class `__ #. `Euler's method for a first-order ODE `__ #. `URL shortener `__ #. `Simple Encryption #2 - Index-Difference `__ #. `Simultaneous Equations - Three Variables `__ #. `Typoglycemia Generator `__ #. `1-800-CODE-WAR `__ #. `Scraping: Get the Year a CodeWarrior Joined `__ #. `Soundex `__ #. `Unique digits sequence `__ #. `Rule 30 `__ #. `Longest sequence with zero sum `__ #. `Packing your backpack `__ #. `The maximum sum value of ranges -- Challenge version `__ #. `Sections `__ #. `String -> N iterations -> String `__ #. `All Star Code Challenge #19 `__ #. `■□ Pattern □■ : Zoom `__ #. `Bob's reversing obfuscator `__ #. `Weird prime generator `__ #. `Break the Caesar! `__ #. `N00bify - English to n00b Translator `__ #. `Church Booleans `__ #. `[Geometry A-1] Locate point - to the right, to the left or on the vector? `__ #. `Simple Finite State Machine Compiler `__ #. `Ookkk, Ok, O? Ook, Ok, Ooo! `__ #. `Bulk up! `__ #. `Simple Encryption #4 - Qwerty `__ #. `Swap Node Pairs In Linked List `__ #. `The Road-Kill Detective `__ #. `Hamster me `__ #. `Integer to English `__ #. `#9 Matrices: Adding diagonal products `__ #. `Mean without outliers `__ #. `Esoteric Language: 'Poohbear' Interpreter `__ #. `Find heavy ball - level: ubermaster `__ #. `Binary Search Trees `__ #. `A Simple Music Encoder `__ #. `Numbers and its Reversal Having Same Prime Factors. `__ #. `Rotate a square matrix like a vortex `__ #. `Binary Contiguous Array `__ #. `Elementary Arithmetic - Carries Count `__ #. `Escape with your booty! `__ #. `Shuffle It Up `__ #. `Ant Bridge `__ #. `Domain name validator `__ #. `Dots and Boxes Validator `__ #. `Numbers with The Highest Amount of Divisors `__ #. `Integer triangles `__ #. `Tracking Hits for Different Sum Values for Different Kinds of Dice `__ #. `Around Fibonacci: chunks and counts `__ #. `The Wrong-Way Cow `__ #. `Reverse Inside Parentheses (Inside Parentheses) `__ #. `Esolang: Ticker `__ #. `Formula 1 Race `__ #. `Find the Word Pair! `__ #. `Simple Fun #358: Vertical Histogram Of Letters `__ #. `Card Game `__ #. `Would you believe... Talk like Siegfried `__ #. `Transformation of a Number Through Prime Factorization `__ #. `Range of Integers in an Unsorted String `__ #. `Four Letter Words ~ Mutations `__ #. `Identifying Top Users and their Corresponding Purchases On a Website `__ #. `TV Remote (symbols) `__ #. `Simple Fun #81: Digits Product `__ #. `Penalty for speeding `__ #. `Simple Fun #206: Factorial Digits `__ #. `Phone numbers `__ #. `Complete Binary Tree `__ #. `Langton's ant `__ #. `Processes `__ #. `Sports League Table Ranking `__ #. `Maximum Subarray Sum II `__ #. `Esolang: Stick `__ #. `Sequence of Power Digits Sum `__ #. `The maximum and minimum difference -- Challenge version `__ #. `Sorting Arrays by the Amount of Perfect Squares that Each Element May Generate `__ #. `Prime Sextuplets `__ #. `A Bubbly Programming Language `__ #. `Operations on sequences `__ #. `Hungry Hippos `__ #. `When The Sum of The Divisors Is A Multiple Of The Prime Factors Sum `__ #. `Check that the situation is correct `__ #. `Simple Fun #337: The Original Number `__ #. `Simple parenthesis removal `__ #. `Esolang: InfiniTick `__ #. `Binary Tree Serpentine Traversal `__ #. `Simple Fun #178: Faulty Odometer `__ #. `Rotate a square matrix in place `__ #. `Interlaced Spiral Cipher `__ #. `Challenge Fun #14: Target Game `__ #. `Minimum path in squares `__ #. `field chained HTML formatting `__ #. `Python's Dynamic Classes #3 `__ #. `Euler Totient Function `__ #. `Build a quadratic equation `__ #. `Find the safest places in town `__ #. `Tic-Tac-Toe (3D) `__ #. `Cockroach Bug Scatter `__ #. `WordSquare `__ #. `Biggest Sum `__ #. `Traffic Lights - multiple cars `__ #. `Data mining #1 `__ #. `Nut Farm 2 `__ #. `Max Collatz Sequence Length `__ #. `myjinxin katas #001 : Rotate, Remove, Return `__ #. `Conways game of life on a toroidal array `__ #. `Give The Biggest Prime Factor And The Biggest Divisor Of A Number `__ #. `Generating Numbers From Prime Factors I `__ #. `Sat Nav directions `__ #. `Mastermind `__ #. `Working With Coloured Numbers `__ #. `US Postal Codes `__ #. `My Very Own Python's Split Function `__ #. `Excel's COUNTIF, SUMIF and AVERAGEIF functions `__ #. `Pigs in a Pen `__ #. `Find the Partition with Maximum Product Value `__ #. `Calculate the derivative of a polynomial `__ #. `Python Reflection: Disassembling the secret `__ #. `Palindrome integer composition `__ #. `Squarefree Part of a Number `__ #. `The longest bracket substring in the string `__ #. `Simple Fun #335: Two Programmers And Gold `__ #. `Simple Fun #26: Weak Numbers `__ #. `Simple Fun #333: Incomplete Virus `__ #. `Barista Manager `__ #. `Regex for Gregorian date validation `__ #. `RPG dice roller `__ #. `Simple Fun #167: Spreadsheet `__ #. `City Swim - 2D (TowerFlood And PlainFlood) `__ #. `Simple Fun #53: Combs `__ #. `A Brave New Wordle `__ #. `Simple Fun #299: Look And Say And Sum `__ #. `Fizz Buzz (with restrictions) `__ #. `Find Nearest Fibonacci Number `__ #. `Hex Dump `__ #. `Now that's a crib! `__ #. `Haiku Checker `__ #. `Vowel Alternations `__ #. `Cycle Detection: Floyd's The Tortoise and the The Hare `__ #. `Multi Line Task: Hello World (Easy one) `__ #. `Adding words - Part II `__ #. `Become The Ultimate Phychic `__ #. `Ziggurat Ride of Fortune `__ #. `Distinct contiguous elements in every window of size k `__ #. `LZ78 compression `__ #. `Simple Fun #89: Boxes Packing `__ #. `Minimum number of taxis `__ #. `Find All the Possible Numbers Multiple of 3 with the Digits of a Positive Integer. `__ #. `Brainscrambler - Esoteric programming #3 `__ #. `Rectangle into Rectangles `__ #. `Translate DNA in 6 frames `__ #. `Simple Fun #220: Simplified Array `__ #. `Simple Fun #211: Frog's Jumping `__ #. `Sorting Poker `__ #. `Features of a Given Array `__ #. `Minimum unfairness of a list/array `__ #. `Choose featured projects for Gratipay's homepage! `__ #. `Precise fractions pt. 1 - basics `__ #. `Count the Domain Names `__ #. `Ratio of Bouncy Numbers `__ #. `The Hunger Games - Foxes and Chickens (Poison) `__ #. `@validate_args `__ #. `Simple Fun #273: Powerset `__ #. `Connecting Values `__ #. `Simple Fun #188: Slogans `__ #. `Simple Fun #155: Pac-Man `__ #. `Keep it short (with restrictions) `__ #. `Pattern Generator `__ #. `Crossword Puzzle! (2x2) `__ #. `Reversi row rudiments `__ #. `Ordering Beers in Poland `__ #. `Traffic Jam `__ #. `Diagonals `__ #. `Splitting the Workload (part I) `__ #. `Elo rating - one game, one pair `__ #. `The "CROTCH KICK OR BLOCK" kata `__ #. `T.T.T.57: Reverse a number `__ #. `Chameleon unity `__ #. `Largest rectangle in background `__ #. `Calculate the expression `__ #. `Finding the Closest Maximum Values of a Function to an Upper Limit `__ #. `Divide and maximize `__ #. `self_converge `__ #. `Function Addition `__ #. `Complete the triangle pattern `__ #. `Valid Chess Moves `__ #. `Max sum path `__ #. `Easy Cyclist's Training `__ #. `Subsequence Product Sum `__ #. `Solve the Grid! Binary Toggling Puzzle `__ #. `Getting along with Bernoulli's numbers `__ #. `Simple Fun #125: Array Equalization `__ #. `Help Suzuki pack his coal basket! `__ #. `The Bee `__ #. `Krazy King Blackjack `__ #. `Dynamic Programming #1: Shortest Path in a Weighted DAG `__ #. `Simple Fun #44: Three Split `__ #. `Self-closing Cookie Jar `__ #. `Wood Cut `__ #. `Simple Fun #127: Prime Operations `__ #. `Endianness Conversion `__ #. `Flotsam `__ #. `The Primes as a Result of the Longest Consecutive Sum I `__ #. `Pandigital Sequence `__ #. `Car Rental Business Needs Statistics and Programming `__ #. `Simple Fun #339: Maximum Product 2 `__ #. `The Sum and The Rest of Certain Pairs of Numbers have to be Perfect Squares (more Challenging) `__ #. `License Plate Recognition `__ #. `Simple Fun #389: The Order Of Ribbons `__ #. `Cheating a bit... `__ #. `Solve For X `__ #. `Regex matching all positive numbers below n `__ #. `Following the Paths of Numbers Through Prime Factorization `__ #. `Integer Right Triangles `__ #. `Funnel Out A String `__ #. `The Binary Binary Expansion `__ #. `Simple Fun #118: Sum Or Product `__ #. `Combining predicates `__ #. `Master your primes: sieve with memoization `__ #. `Fixed-length integer partitions `__ #. `Building a Sequence Cocatenating Digits with a Given Order. `__ #. `Chess Fun #9: Bishops And Rooks `__ #. `Roman numerals, Zeroes and Fractions `__ #. `Loose Change (Part 2) `__ #. `Removing Internal Vertices `__ #. `Geohashing `__ #. `Digits `__ #. `Additive Numbers `__ #. `Rearrangement of Numbers to Have The Minimum Divisible by a Given Factor `__ #. `Tri-Bicolor Tiling `__ #. `Subarrays with an odd number of odd numbers `__ #. `Topological Image Processing: 4-Connected Components `__ #. `Closest Neighbouring Points I `__ #. `Mirrored Exponential Chunks `__ #. `Intro to Statistics - Part 1: A Five figure summary `__ #. `Probable Prime or Composite (Much bigger primes) `__ #. `Kata 2019: Bonus Game I `__ #. `One Line Task: Diamond Creator Pro `__ #. `The Hunger Games - Shut the gate `__ #. `Check the status of the generator expression `__ #. `Snake Collision `__ #. `Simple Fun #357: Show The Digits `__ #. `Playing with Sandpiles `__ #. `Eight ways to iterate over table `__ #. `Letterss of Natac `__ #. `Primitive Pythagorean Triples `__ #. `Subsequence Sums `__ #. `Operator Insertion `__ #. `Word Search Grid `__ #. `Light Switch `__ #. `Simple Fun #272: Throwing Dice `__ #. `Optimized Pathfinding Algorithm `__ #. `A Challenging Sequence. `__ #. `Minus 1: is divisible? `__ #. `Trees to Parentheses, and Back `__ #. `Simple Fun #123: DPC Sequence `__ #. `Context manager decorator `__ #. `Find the Most Probable Sum Value or Values, in Rolling N-dice of n Sides `__ #. `Simple RSA Implementation `__ #. `Reversed Self Power `__ #. `What’s the degree? `__ #. `Secret Agent Time Travel Calculations `__ #. `Find the Longest Increasing or Decreasing Combination in an Array `__ #. `Pandigital Powers `__ #. `Word Wrap `__ #. `Department scheduler [simple] `__ #. `A Scandal in Bohemia `__ #. `Primes in the Last Digits of Huge Numbers `__ #. `Multisize Nonogram Encoder `__ #. `Binary Simulation `__ #. `Map and Filter to Get a Special Sequence of Integers `__ #. `MONTE CARLO 3D `__ #. `Positions of a substring in a string `__ #. `Is this a good batch of stout? (Student's t test) `__ #. `Program hangs! `__ #. `Minimum and Maximum Product of k Elements - Advanced `__ #. `RegEx Like a Boss #4 CodeGolf : Prime length `__ #. `Ulam Sequences (performance edition) `__ #. `Cryptic Cave: Episode 1 `__ #. `Card-Chameleon, a Cipher with Playing Cards `__ #. `T.T.T.56: Make a monthly calendar board `__ #. `Combinations in a Set Using Boxes `__ #. `Codewars API `__ #. `Compression : impossible `__ #. `Sort a massive list of strings (hard) `__ #. `Recovering from a Disk Crash - Reverse Engineering Some Lost Code! `__ #. `Refactor a node-based calculator (DRY) `__ #. `Devil's Sequence `__ #. `Unusual Cipher `__ #. `Constrained GCD `__ #. `Hofstadter's Figure-Figure sequence `__ #. `Wimbledon Scoreboard - Game `__ #. `Circles: Count the Circles Having a Given Internal Point. `__ #. `Closest Neighbouring Points II `__ #. `NxN Connect X `__ #. `The Dots and Parentheses `__ #. `Fouriest transformation `__ #. `100 prisoners and a light bulb `__ #. `Prime Ant - Performance Version `__ #. `Simple Fun #112: Array Erasing `__ #. `Simple Fun #139: Black And White `__ #. `Prime Grasshopper `__ #. `Number of integer partitions with distinct parts `__ #. `Function Algebra `__ #. `Happy Numbers (performance edition) `__ #. `Challenge Fun #13: First Operation Character `__ #. `Logic Detective `__ #. `Rudimentary Pivot Table `__ #. `Pyramide d'Azkee `__ #. `String generation by pattern `__ #. `Best place at concert `__ #. `Equivalent Dice `__ #. `T.T.T.38: The sum of each digits `__ #. `Multiples of some primes `__ #. `[St]arting [St]ring `__ #. `Lambda Calculus: Lists `__ #. `Fix the pipes `__ #. `Roguelike game 1 - stats and weapon `__ #. `Lunar Drilling Operation `__ #. `Directory tree `__ #. `Chess position parser (FEN) `__ #. `Blobservation 2: Merge Inert Blobs `__ #. `Graphics Series #3: Repair the LED display `__ #. `[Geometry B -1] Point in a triangle? `__ #. `Number of players for knockout/round-robin hybrid contest (easy mode) `__ #. `QR-Code Message Encoding `__ #. `Counting the Webdesigns based on Used Colours `__ #. `Z-algorithm `__ #. `A self-descriptive fractal sequence `__ #. `Graph-like Sequence `__ #. `Lambda Calculus: Lists as folds I `__ #. `Readable Specification Pattern `__ #. `Right Truncatable Harshad numbers `__ #. `Limited number of instances `__ #. `Dating with hypergamy `__ #. `Simple Fun #134: Fix Progression `__ #. `Function Overloading for Types `__ #. `Folding a cube `__ #. `Hack the NSA `__ #. `Recamán Sequence Sum `__ #. `Cricket Scores `__ #. `Bouncy Numbers with N Digits `__ #. `Wristband Patterns `__ #. `Stable Weight Arrangement `__ #. `Probability to Win an Infinite Tennis Game `__ #. `Recursive Floor Sequence `__ #. `Underload Interpreter `__ #. `Odd-Even Compositions `__ #. `Fix arithmetic progression `__ #. `What Would They Have in Common? `__ #. `The "AA" Number Notation `__ #. `AdFly Encoder and Decoder `__ #. `Combination Lock `__ #. `Constructing polynomials `__ #. `Simple Fun #314: Lucky Candies `__ #. `Find Out the Number of Gold Coins! `__ #. `Boxes in boxes `__ #. `Train of dominoes `__ #. `Find the most adjacent integers of the same value in a grid `__ #. `Crazy rabbit `__ #. `Binary relation optimization `__ #. `Spreadsheet Cell Name Conversions `__ #. `Pig Game `__ #. `Dobble: Identify the missing cards `__ #. `Convergents of e `__ #. `Family Tree - Ancestors `__ #. `3-2-1 Fire! `__ #. `(Insane) N Warriors and a Lamp `__ #. `Word Spiral `__ #. `Primes with Two, Even and Double Even Jumps `__ #. `Chess Fun # 13 : RegEx Like a Boss #1 : Valid Pawn Moves `__ #. `Gnomes and Hats: A Horror Story `__ #. `Three-valued logic `__ #. `Knights `__ #. `Math expression [HARD][CODE-GOLF] `__ #. `Generate Numbers From Digits #2 `__ #. `Sudoku board validator - Code Golf `__ #. `The Big Guy and The Bagman `__ #. `How many strings use all symbols of a given alphabet at least once `__ #. `Checkerboard King Combo Move `__ #. `Water pouring problem `__ #. `Working With Coloured Numbers II `__ #. `Total Primes - Advanced Version `__ #. `Langton's Ant - Advanced Version `__ #. `Transposing Guitar Tabs `__ #. `Determine Results of Pole Vault Competition `__ #. `Simple cluster analysis `__ #. `Electron configuration of chemical elements `__ #. `Happy traveller [#2] `__ #. `Arithmetic Expression Placeholders `__ #. `Lattice Paths, But...? `__ #. `Smallest Multiple of 1 to n `__ #. `Array with distance of N `__ #. `Randonneuring control calculator `__ #. `Crontab Parser `__ #. `Mistaking a forest for a tree `__ #. `Minimum number of moves `__ #. `Little PL/SQL parser - get text literals `__ #. `ASCII Mandelbrot Set `__ #. `Subsequence Sums II `__ #. `Next Higher Value # 1 `__ #. `From Traversals to Tree `__ #. `Wordle! Cheat bot `__ #. `Find the nth Term of a Sequence `__ #. `Almost Isosceles Integer Triangles With Their Angles With Asymptotic Tendency `__ #. `Recursive ASCII Fractals `__ #. `Dependable Jobs Schedule `__ #. `Cliff Jumping `__ #. `Integer Triangles Having One Angle The Double of Another One `__ #. `Approximate Solution of Travelling Salesman Problem `__ #. `Checkout Line Pricing `__ #. `Teknonymy `__ #. `Smoke Signals `__ #. `Ways from one number to another `__ #. `Prime Path Finder `__ #. `Render the Code Golf Champions `__ #. `Longest Subarray with Maximum Average Value `__ #. `The Doppelganger Enigma `__ #. `Cargo-Bot Interpreter `__ #. `Real World Applications of Sqrton `__ #. `Following Sierpinski's Footprints `__ #. `The Rubik's Cube `__ #. `Extreme Hat Game `__ #. `Socialist distribution (performance edition) `__ #. `Configurations of White and Black Knights on a 3x3 chessboard `__ #. `Lisp-esque parsing [Code Golf] `__ #. `Let's Play Darts: Beat The Power! `__ #. `Cheyenne Wigwam `__ #. `Elevator malfunctioning `__ #. `Give me the Corresponding Proper Fraction! `__ #. `Combinations in a Set Using Boxes II `__ #. `Pair 'em Up `__ #. `Hat Game 2 `__ #. `Count The Hits Adding Contiguous Powers! `__ #. `The Simple Game `__ #. `Find the Missing Number using NAND `__ #. `Infinite continued fractions `__ #. `Next Higher Value #2 `__ #. `Football Season `__ #. `Spreading Spores Graph `__ #. `Chain Reaction - Minimum Bombs Needed `__ #. `Expand Absolute Values `__ #. `Centered Polygonal Number `__ #. `NegaFibonacci representation `__ #. `Multidimensional Neighbourhood `__ #. `Sokoban re-solver : level recovery from solution `__ #. `Propositional SAT Problem `__ #. `Synthesize Boolean Functions From Examples `__ #. `🧬Cooking life on Proto Earth🌎 `__ #. `Reflecting Light V2 `__ #. `Castle of Cubes `__ #. `Kata 2019: Bonus Game II `__ #. `Perfect Binary Tree Traversal: BFS to DFS `__ #. `Roman Army Formations: Contubernium `__ #. `Take Down Codewars! `__ #. `Break Caesar cipher variation : PNG image `__ #. `Amoeba: Blind Maze `__ #. `Draw the borders I - Simple ascii border `__ #. `Coping with NP-Hardness #3: Finding the Minimum Hamiltonian Cycle `__ #. `Getting the Letter with Tail `__ #. `Random sampling in constant time `__ #. `"Dual Numbers" and "Automatic" (nth) Derivatives `__ #. `Jump to zero (Subtask 4) `__ #. `Polyomino symmetry `__ #. `Windmill Cycle `__ #. `Play Nerdle - It's Wordle for Calculations `__ #. `The Trapped Odd Knight `__ #. `Buying the Farm : Irrigation `__ #. `2D Cellular Automata [Code Golf] `__ #. `Draw the borders II - Fast and furious `__ Codewars Katas 4kyu ------------------- Katas de nivel 4. Dificultad difícil. #. `Human readable duration format `__ #. `Snail `__ #. `Range Extraction `__ #. `Strip Comments `__ #. `So Many Permutations! `__ #. `Sum Strings as Numbers `__ #. `Sum of Intervals `__ #. `Next bigger number with the same digits `__ #. `The observed PIN `__ #. `Roman Numerals Helper `__ #. `Most frequently used words in a text `__ #. `Strings Mix `__ #. `Twice linear `__ #. `Nesting Structure Comparison `__ #. `Matrix Determinant `__ #. `Sum by Factors `__ #. `Pyramid Slide Down `__ #. `parseInt() reloaded `__ #. `Recover a secret string from random triplets `__ #. `Catching Car Mileage Numbers `__ #. `Codewars style ranking system `__ #. `Decode the Morse code, advanced `__ #. `Sort binary tree by levels `__ #. `Hamming Numbers `__ #. `Square into Squares. Protect trees! `__ #. `Next smaller number with the same digits `__ #. `Counting Change Combinations `__ #. `Validate Sudoku with size 'NxN' `__ #. `Path Finder #1: can you reach the exit? `__ #. `Explosive Sum `__ #. `Vigenère Cipher Helper `__ #. `Find the unknown digit `__ #. `Magnet particules in boxes `__ #. `Text align justify `__ #. `Binary multiple of 3 `__ #. `Smallest possible sum `__ #. `A Simplistic TCP Finite State Machine (FSM) `__ #. `Conway's Game of Life - Unlimited Edition `__ #. `All Balanced Parentheses `__ #. `Connect Four `__ #. `Simple Fun #27: Rectangle Rotation `__ #. `Simplifying multilinear polynomials `__ #. `Number of Proper Fractions with Denominator d `__ #. `Breadcrumb Generator `__ #. `Path Finder #2: shortest path `__ #. `Shortest Knight Path `__ #. `Simple Fun #159: Middle Permutation `__ #. `How many numbers III? `__ #. `4 By 4 Skyscrapers `__ #. `Ten-Pin Bowling `__ #. `Boggle Word Checker `__ #. `Befunge Interpreter `__ #. `The Greatest Warrior `__ #. `Getting along with Integer Partitions `__ #. `Ranking Poker Hands `__ #. `Count ones in a segment `__ #. `Factorial tail `__ #. `Differentiate a polynomial `__ #. `Esolang Interpreters #3 - Custom Paintf**k Interpreter `__ #. `Infix to Postfix Converter `__ #. `Currying vs. Partial Application `__ #. `Longest Common Subsequence (Performance version) `__ #. `One Line Task: Squirrel And Tree `__ #. `Instant Runoff Voting `__ #. `Regular expression for binary numbers divisible by 5 `__ #. `Sums of Perfect Squares `__ #. `Algebraic Lists `__ #. `Burrows-Wheeler-Transformation `__ #. `Total increasing or decreasing numbers up to a power of 10 `__ #. `Number of integer partitions `__ #. `Social Golfer Problem Validator `__ #. `Mystery Function `__ #. `Route Calculator `__ #. `Find all possible number combos that sum to a number `__ #. `Memoized Log Cutting `__ #. `The learning game - Machine Learning #1 `__ #. `Find the nth Reverse Number (Extreme) `__ #. `Chinese Numeral Encoder `__ #. `The fusc function -- Part 2 `__ #. `T.T.T.#2: Equal to 24 `__ #. `SKRZAT!!! `__ #. `Decimal to any Rational or Irrational Base Converter `__ #. `NIM the game `__ #. `RoboScript #3 - Implement the RS2 Specification `__ #. `Brainfuck Translator `__ #. `Simple maze `__ #. `Escape the maze `__ #. `One Line Task: Palindrome String `__ #. `Elemental Words `__ #. `Simple Memory Manager `__ #. `Great Total Additions of All Possible Arrays from a List. `__ #. `Longest Palindromic Substring (Linear) `__ #. `Counting inner calls in an unknown function. `__ #. `Path Finder #4: where are you? `__ #. `Largest Numeric Palindrome `__ #. `Polydivisible Numbers `__ #. `Last digits of N^2 == N `__ #. `Simplexer `__ #. `Organize a Round-robin tournament `__ #. `Church numbers `__ #. `Square and Cube of a Number Become Prime When Reversed `__ #. `5x5 Nonogram Solver `__ #. `Exponentials as fractions `__ #. `Tracking pawns `__ #. `Coloured Lattice Points Forming Coloured Triangles `__ #. `Can you really count divisors? `__ #. `Sortable Poker Hands `__ #. `Counting String Subsequences `__ #. `Don't give me five! Really! `__ #. `Big Big Big Padovan Number `__ #. `BasE91 encoding & decoding `__ #. `Stack Arithmetic Machine `__ #. `N Linear `__ #. `Block sequence `__ #. `Simple Fun #148: Exchange Sort `__ #. `Permutational Primes `__ #. `Compute a convex hull `__ #. `Trailing zeros in factorials, in any given integer base `__ #. `Simple Fun #119: Sub Sets Parity `__ #. `Lazy Init `__ #. `Create a funnel `__ #. `One Line Task: Zero Or One `__ #. `Count Squares In the Chess Board `__ #. `String -> X-Iterations -> String `__ #. `N queens puzzle (with one mandatory queen position) `__ #. `Alphabet wars - trench assault `__ #. `Lowest base system `__ #. `Helpers For a 3DGame I: Biggest Triangle in a Sphere `__ #. `Regular Expressions (groups): Splitting phone numbers into their separate parts. `__ #. `Unflatten a list (Harder than easy) `__ #. `Generic number class `__ #. `Greedy thief `__ #. `Bernoulli numbers `__ #. `N queens problem (with no mandatory queen position) `__ #. `Bird Mountain - the river `__ #. `Spinning Rings - Fidget Spinner Edition `__ #. `Remember members decorator `__ #. `Solving a puzzle by matching four corners `__ #. `Repetitive Sequence - Easy Version `__ #. `Mahjong - #1 Pure Hand `__ #. `Top Down Movement System `__ #. `Hide a message in a deck of playing cards `__ #. `Dynamic Connectivity `__ #. `Tower Defense: Risk Analysis `__ #. `Space Invaders Underdog `__ #. `Grazing Donkey `__ #. `Undirected weighted graph `__ #. `Associative Operation on Range `__ #. `Spaghetti Code - #2 Hard `__ #. `A Knight's Tour `__ #. `Bribe the Guards of the Crown Jewels `__ #. `Convex hull area `__ #. `Multiply to 'n' `__ #. `We are Family `__ #. `Almost Everywhere Zero `__ #. `Find Product Partitions With Maximum or Minimum Score `__ #. `Linear Equation Solver `__ #. `Four Color Theorem (Easy Version) `__ #. `Area of House from Path of Mouse `__ #. `Dithering `__ #. `Tournament Cross Table with Sonneborn-Berger Score `__ #. `Dice rolls threshold `__ #. `SPF Russia `__ #. `Domino Tiling - 2 x N Board `__ #. `Complete the photo pattern `__ #. `Cracking the Vigenère cipher, step 1: determining key length `__ #. `Multiplying Polynomials `__ #. `Calculate k-th digit of π (Pi) `__ #. `Insane Increasing or Decreasing Numbers `__ #. `The smallest number with a given number of divisors `__ #. `Bad Exception Handling `__ #. `Splitting the Workload (part II) `__ #. `Superheroes Convention #1 Pandemic `__ #. `Create the QR-Code `__ #. `Bridge Puzzle `__ #. `Elementary conveyor `__ #. `Topology #0: Converging Coins `__ #. `Touchdown? `__ #. `Mountain map `__ #. `Queue Battle `__ #. `Big Generalized Fibonacci numbers `__ #. `Strongly connected components `__ #. `Balanced parentheses string `__ #. `Data mining #2 `__ #. `Beggar Thy Neighbour `__ #. `Zombie Apocalypse: the Last Number Standing `__ #. `Egg Drops `__ #. `Counting diamonds `__ #. `Shallowest path across the river `__ #. `Python Recipes #1 : Function Overloading `__ #. `Product-Sum Numbers `__ #. `The Bubbly Interpreter `__ #. `RPG Simulator - Defeat the Demon Lord! [Part 1] `__ #. `Set Closure Generator `__ #. `n^k summation `__ #. `Bezier Curves `__ #. `The fibfusc function -- Part 2 `__ #. `'Magic' recursion call depth number `__ #. `Matunga coins `__ #. `Hypercube Lists `__ #. `Maximum clique `__ #. `Circular Limited Sums `__ #. `Domino Tiling - 3 x N Board `__ #. `Connect Letters `__ #. `I hate business trips `__ #. `Numbers with Collatz Starting Patterns `__ #. `Evil genius game - Find the moving chess piece while blindfolded `__ #. `Snake Cube Solver `__ #. `Snafooz solver `__ #. `Domino Tiling - 5 x 2N Board `__ #. `Bridge the Islands `__ #. `Palindrome Counter `__ #. `Challenge Fun #20: Edge Detection `__ #. `Shortest Knight Path(Infinite Chessboard) `__ #. `Advanced binary toggling puzzle `__ #. `Domino Tiling - 2 x N Board -- Challenge Edition! `__ #. `Right truncatable primes in a given base `__ #. `Squaredle solver `__ #. `Next polydivisible number in any base `__ #. `Implementing SHA-1 `__ #. `Stepping Stones Puzzle `__ #. `N-th Integer Containing the Digit 1 `__ #. `Golf [Code Golf] `__ #. `Spidey Swings Across Town `__ #. `Web Polygons `__ #. `Nelson the Number Theorist `__ #. `Gymbro's Unique Gym - Weight Calculator `__ #. `Pick Until Match `__ #. `Peg Solitaire `__ #. `Happy Numbers. Another performance edition. `__ #. `Mega Connect 4 `__ Codewars Katas 3kyu ------------------- Katas de nivel 3. Dificultad difícil. #. `Battleship field validator `__ #. `Make a spiral `__ #. `Sudoku Solver `__ #. `The Millionth Fibonacci Kata `__ #. `Rail Fence Cipher: Encoding and Decoding `__ #. `Last digit of a huge number `__ #. `Alphabetic Anagrams `__ #. `Binomial Expansion `__ #. `Help the general decode secret enemy messages. `__ #. `Screen Locking Patterns `__ #. `Prime Streaming (PG-13) `__ #. `The Lift `__ #. `Path Finder #3: the Alpinist `__ #. `Esolang Interpreters #4 - Boolfuck Interpreter `__ #. `How many are smaller than me II? `__ #. `Fabergé Easter Eggs crush test `__ #. `Huffman Encoding `__ #. `Closest pair of points in linearithmic time `__ #. `Texas Hold'em Hands `__ #. `GET TO THE CHOPPA! `__ #. `Hard Sudoku Solver `__ #. `The builder of things `__ #. `The boolean order `__ #. `N-Parasitic Numbers Ending in N `__ #. `Centre of attention `__ #. `Total area covered by rectangles `__ #. `Papers, Please `__ #. `Line Safari - Is that a line? `__ #. `Plants and Zombies `__ #. `Stargate SG-1: Cute and Fuzzy (Improved version) `__ #. `RoboScript #4 - RS3 Patterns to the Rescue `__ #. `Simplifying `__ #. `Find the cheapest path `__ #. `Count Connectivity Components `__ #. `Battleship field validator II `__ #. `Bloxorz Solver `__ #. `Alphametics Solver `__ #. `Fix the pipes - #2 - is it leaking? `__ #. `Blobservation `__ #. `Breaking the Vigenère Cipher `__ #. `Upside-Down Numbers - Challenge Edition `__ #. `Metaclasses - Simple Django Models `__ #. `Type Transpiler `__ #. `Fluid Volume of a Heightmap `__ #. `Switch the Bulb--Play game Series #10 `__ #. `One line task: Is the King in check ? `__ #. `Mahjong - #2 Seven-pairs `__ #. `Permutation-free Strings `__ #. `Unique digit sequence II - Optimization problem `__ #. `Wrap a cube with paper nets `__ #. `Knight's Attack! `__ #. `Insane Tri-Bicolor Tiling `__ #. `Minimal Cost Binary Search Trees `__ #. `Rummy: Find Lowest Scoring Hand `__ #. `Prime counting `__ #. `Escape! `__ #. `Insane Circular Limited Sums `__ #. `Reversi Win Checker `__ #. `The Little Typer: Values, Functions and Currying `__ #. `The smallest n such that n^n mod m = 0 `__ #. `Topology #0.1: Converging Coins (Performance edition) `__ #. `Totally Good Permutations `__ #. `Prime Ant - Crazy Version `__ #. `Abstraction elimination `__ #. `No More 5's, Ever `__ #. `Broken 7-segment display - challenge edition `__ #. `My favorite number is III, so... `__ #. `A giant Carmichael number `__ #. `The treasure in the Toroid [Code Golf] `__