
A free society needs free educational resources.

  1. The main motivation of this website is to divulgate open source educational resources to teachers and students around the world.

  2. Educational resources should be created with the idea of achieving good quality in texts, drawings, diagrams and other contents. The resources must be open to criticism and modification by the Educational Community.

  3. All the content generated will be distributed under open license Creative Commons Attribution-Share equal (CC by-SA) in its version 4.0 o later.

    This license ensures compatibility with all the contents of Wikipedia and offers the maximum guarantees to disseminate the project and to allow derived work always maintaining the free character of the entire work.

    All computer programs will be distributed under free license GPL version 3.0 or posterior.

  4. Educational resources will be created in open formats. The editable files will be published so that they are available to the educational community.

    All educational resources will be editable with free tools, without using proprietary/private software.

    The website generation will only require free formats and tools and the website source files will also be published available to the community.

  5. Personal or anonymous information of people who use the website will not be collected. For that reason No cookies of navigation will be used in the main website hosting.

  6. Not add either sponsored ads or products to educational resources or any other section of the website.

    All the products and services that are announced will be based on their didactic utility and no sponsorship will be admitted.

  7. The website design will be simple, aimed at achieving maximum navigation speed and its possible useless use to the Internet. For that reason, and to facilitate user anonymity, static web pages will be used.

  8. The theoretical contents will be accompanied by practical exercises that will allow students to learn the theory as well as self-evaluation and evaluation by the teacher.

  9. The resources will follow a design that, with the same contents, simple activities, of medium and advanced level.

    In this way the same contents must attend to the diversity of a normal classroom and can be used at different educational levels such as extension, reinforcement or adapted activities.

  10. The language used in resources will take into account that they can be used worldwide. In this way it will be preferable to use the word 'automobile', more cultured and generic, instead of using the word 'car', more local use.