36. Codewars katas¶
Codewars es una comunidad educativa de programación. En la plataforma, los desarrolladores de software participan en desafíos de programación conocidos como katas. Estos ejercicios entrenan un rango amplio de habilidades y se completan dentro de un ambiente de desarrollo integrado en línea, en el que los usuarios tienen la posibilidad de ganar rangos y honor.
Índice de contenidos
Codewars Katas 8kyu¶
Katas de nivel 8. Dificultad muy fácil.
- Multiply
- Even or Odd
- Convert a Number to a String!
- Opposite number
- Reversed Strings
- Return Negative
- Convert boolean values to strings 'Yes' or 'No'.
- Sum of positive
- String repeat
- Remove First and Last Character
- Square(n) Sum
- Find the smallest integer in the array
- Grasshopper - Summation
- Function 1 - hello world
- Convert a String to a Number!
- Remove String Spaces
- Counting sheep...
- You Can't Code Under Pressure #1
- Returning Strings
- Convert a Boolean to a String
- Keep Hydrated!
- Basic Mathematical Operations
- Century From Year
- Convert number to reversed array of digits
- Beginner - Lost Without a Map
- Beginner Series #2 Clock
- Opposites Attract
- Beginner Series #1 School Paperwork
- Abbreviate a Two Word Name
- Simple multiplication
- Sum Arrays
- MakeUpperCase
- A Needle in the Haystack
- Are You Playing Banjo?
- Invert values
- Calculate average
- Is he gonna survive?
- Count of positives / sum of negatives
- Beginner - Reduce but Grow
- How good are you really?
- Sentence Smash
- Calculate BMI
- Fake Binary
- Find Maximum and Minimum Values of a List
- You only need one - Beginner
- DNA to RNA Conversion
- Will you make it?
- Convert a string to an array
- Reversed sequence
- Is n divisible by x and y?
- Count by X
- If you can't sleep, just count sheep!!
- Rock Paper Scissors!
- Grasshopper - Personalized Message
- Jenny's secret message
- Quarter of the year
- Transportation on vacation
- Grasshopper - Grade book
- Volume of a Cuboid
- Remove exclamation marks
- Third Angle of a Triangle
- Total amount of points
- Area or Perimeter
- Thinkful - Logic Drills: Traffic light
- L1: Set Alarm
- Sum Mixed Array
- Grasshopper - Messi goals function
- Sum without highest and lowest number
- Double Char
- Get the mean of an array
- Reversed Words
- The Feast of Many Beasts
- Array plus array
- Parse nice int from char problem
- Grasshopper - Check for factor
- Beginner Series #4 Cockroach
- Switch it Up!
- Function 2 - squaring an argument
- Twice as old
- Keep up the hoop
- Get Planet Name By ID
- Removing Elements
- Will there be enough space?
- Count the Monkeys!
- Find the first non-consecutive number
- Grasshopper - Terminal game move function
- Grasshopper - Debug sayHello
- What is between?
- Is it even?
- Is the string uppercase?
- All Star Code Challenge #18
- Cat years, Dog years
- altERnaTIng cAsE <=> ALTerNAtiNG CaSe
- Do I get a bonus?
- Powers of 2
- Correct the mistakes of the character recognition software
- Is it a palindrome?
- Student's Final Grade
- Expressions Matter
- Sum The Strings
- Difference of Volumes of Cuboids
- Grasshopper - Messi Goals
- Welcome!
- Reverse List Order
- I love you, a little , a lot, passionately ... not at all
- Basic variable assignment
- Count Odd Numbers below n
- Sort and Star
- Unfinished Loop - Bug Fixing #1
- My head is at the wrong end!
- Find Multiples of a Number
- Drink about
- Short Long Short
- Vowel remover
- Filter out the geese
- What's the real floor?
- Capitalization and Mutability
- get character from ASCII Value
- Grasshopper - If/else syntax debug
- Find numbers which are divisible by given number
- Name Shuffler
- Stringy Strings
- How many lightsabers do you own?
- Exclusive "or" (xor) Logical Operator
- Training JS #7: if..else and ternary operator
- Plural
- Lario and Muigi Pipe Problem
- Grasshopper - Basic Function Fixer
- Multiplication table for number
- Regular Ball Super Ball
- Get Nth Even Number
- Merge two sorted arrays into one
- Super Duper Easy
- 5 without numbers !!
- A wolf in sheep's clothing
- Gravity Flip
- Remove duplicates from list
- To square(root) or not to square(root)
- Determine offspring sex based on genes XX and XY chromosomes
- The Wide-Mouthed frog!
- Convert to Binary
- Add Length
- Well of Ideas - Easy Version
- The 'if' function
- Bin to Decimal
- FIXME: Replace all dots
- Hello, Name or World!
- Holiday VIII - Duty Free
- Grasshopper - Terminal game combat function
- Hex to Decimal
- Grasshopper - Function syntax debugging
- No zeros for heros
- Exclamation marks series #1: Remove an exclamation mark from the end of string
- Welcome to the City
- Enumerable Magic #25 - Take the First N Elements
- Exclamation marks series #11: Replace all vowel to exclamation mark in the sentence
- Is this my tail?
- Find the Remainder
- Find the position!
- Surface Area and Volume of a Box
- Alan Partridge II - Apple Turnover
- Generate range of integers
- 101 Dalmatians - squash the bugs, not the dogs!
- Grasshopper - Debug
- Price of Mangoes
- Printing Array elements with Comma delimiters
- Grasshopper - Array Mean
- Reversing Words in a String
- Remove First and Last Character Part Two
- Sum of differences in array
- Dollars and Cents
- Pillars
- String cleaning
- Find out whether the shape is a cube
- Simple validation of a username with regex
- Enumerable Magic - Does My List Include This?
- Check same case
- Return to Sanity
- Simple Fun #1: Seats in Theater
- Sum of Multiples
- Swap Values
- Multiple of index
- Sleigh Authentication
- Take the Derivative
- Find Nearest square number
- Kata Example Twist
- L1: Bartender, drinks!
- How old will I be in 2099?
- Basic Training: Add item to an Array
- Return the day
- String Templates - Bug Fixing #5
- Triple Trouble
- Never visit a . . . !?
- USD => CNY
- Regex count lowercase letters
- Area of a Square
- Formatting decimal places #0
- How many stairs will Suzuki climb in 20 years?
- OOP: Object Oriented Piracy
- Color Ghost
- Name on billboard
- Define a card suit
- Miles per gallon to kilometers per liter
- Incorrect division method
- Holiday VI - Shark Pontoon
- Do you speak "English"?
- Grasshopper - Combine strings
- No Loops 2 - You only need one
- Basic subclasses - Adam and Eve
- Remove the time
- Exclamation marks series #2: Remove all exclamation marks from the end of sentence
- SpeedCode #2 - Array Madness
- Classic Hello World
- Regexp Basics - is it a digit?
- Find the Difference in Age between Oldest and Youngest Family Members
- The falling speed of petals
- Fundamentals: Return
- Is it a number?
- Fix your code before the garden dies!
- CSV representation of array
- Classy Classes
- Contamination #1 -String-
- Pythagorean Triple
- Smallest unused ID
- Leonardo Dicaprio and Oscars
- Exclamation marks series #6: Remove n exclamation marks in the sentence from left to right
- get ascii value of character
- Exclamation marks series #4: Remove all exclamation marks from sentence but ensure a exclamation mark at the end of string
- A Strange Trip to the Market
- Closest elevator
- Compare within margin
- Tip Calculator
- Quadrants
- Geometry Basics: Distance between points in 2D
- Who is going to pay for the wall?
- Chuck Norris VII - True or False? (Beginner)
- BASIC: Making Six Toast.
- Are arrow functions odd?
- simple calculator
- Collatz Conjecture (3n+1)
- Is there a vowel in there?
- Unexpected parsing
- Thinkful - Number Drills: Blue and red marbles
- Find the Integral
- ASCII Total
- Did she say hallo?
- For UFC Fans (Total Beginners): Conor McGregor vs George Saint Pierre
- Duck Duck Goose
- validate code with simple regex
- Who ate the cookie?
- Template Strings
- Quadratic Coefficients Solver
- Multiply the number
- Localize The Barycenter of a Triangle
- Switch/Case - Bug Fixing #6
- Wilson primes
- Parse float
- Get number from string
- Count the number of cubes with paint on
- Power
- Grader
- 8kyu interpreters: HQ9+
- Is your period late?
- Enumerable Magic #1 - True for All?
- Pirates!! Are the Cannons ready!??
- Classy Extentions
- Are they opposite?
- Barking mad
- UEFA EURO 2016
- Draw stairs
- Ensure question
- Training JS #18: Methods of String object--concat() split() and its good friend join()
- For Twins: 2. Math operations
- NBA full 48 minutes average
- Online RPG: player to qualifying stage?
- pick a set of first elements
- Find the Slope
- Fix the Bugs (Syntax) - My First Kata
- Fuel Calculator: Total Cost
- Freudian translator
- Grasshopper - Terminal Game #1
- Is the date today
- How do I compare numbers?
- Name Your Python!
- Return Two Highest Values in List
- Calculate Price Excluding VAT
- Safen User Input Part I - htmlspecialchars
- Crash Override
- Evil or Odious
- Merging sorted integer arrays (without duplicates)
- Finish Guess the Number Game
- Polish alphabet
- Semi-Optional
- Logical calculator
- Grasshopper - Bug Squashing
- Points of Reflection
- Job Matching #1
- Grasshopper - Create the rooms
- Simple Fun #261: Whose Move
- Age Range Compatibility Equation
- Be Concise I - The Ternary Operator
- Enumerable Magic #20 - Cascading Subsets
- Playing with cubes II
- Be Concise IV - Index of an element in an array
- easy logs
- How much water do I need?
- Heads and Legs
- Grasshopper - Terminal Game Turn Function
- For Twins: 1. Types
- Thinkful - Dictionary drills: Order filler
- Neutralisation
- Floating point comparison
- Days in the year
- Sort My Textbooks
- Are there any arrows left?
- What's up next?
- Add new item (collections are passed by reference)
- Filtering even numbers (Bug Fixes)
- Aspect Ratio Cropping - Part 1
- Total pressure calculation
- Flick Switch
- Geometry Basics: Circle Circumference in 2D
- Simple Fun #352: Reagent Formula
- Fix the loop!
- Training JS #32: methods of Math---round() ceil() and floor()
- Invalid Login - Bug Fixing #11
- Geometry Basics: Circle Area in 2D
- Generate user links
- Byte me!
- Greek Sort
- Pole Vault Starting Marks
- Up and down, the string grows
- Find the force of gravity between two objects
- Enumerable Magic #30 - Split that Array!
- Circles in Polygons
- Vexing Vanishing Values
- A Letter's Best Friend
- Collinearity
Codewars Katas 7kyu¶
Katas de nivel 7. Dificultad fácil.
- Vowel Count
- Disemvowel Trolls
- Square Every Digit
- Highest and Lowest
- You're a square!
- List Filtering
- Descending Order
- Get the Middle Character
- Isograms
- Exes and Ohs
- Jaden Casing Strings
- Shortest Word
- Mumbling
- Complementary DNA
- Sum of two lowest positive integers
- String ends with?
- Beginner Series #3 Sum of Numbers
- Credit Card Mask
- Friend or Foe?
- Binary Addition
- Is this a triangle?
- Regex validate PIN code
- Two to One
- Sum of odd numbers
- Categorize New Member
- Find the next perfect square!
- Growth of a Population
- Printer Errors
- Ones and Zeros
- Number of People in the Bus
- Reverse words
- Odd or Even?
- The highest profit wins!
- Sum of the first nth term of Series
- Find the divisors!
- Remove the minimum
- Testing 1-2-3
- Count the divisors of a number
- Find the stray number
- Sort Numbers
- Breaking chocolate problem
- Make a function that does arithmetic!
- Count the Digit
- Anagram Detection
- Sum of a sequence
- Sort array by string length
- Money, Money, Money
- Remove anchor from URL
- Factorial
- Don't give me five!
- Find the capitals
- Small enough? - Beginner
- Leap Years
- Summing a number's digits
- Sum of angles
- Find the middle element
- Two Oldest Ages
- Simple Fun #176: Reverse Letter
- Round up to the next multiple of 5
- Maximum Multiple
- The Coupon Code
- No oddities here
- Alternate capitalization
- Largest 5 digit number in a series
- Fix string case
- Triangular Treasure
- Maximum Length Difference
- Are the numbers in order?
- Check the exam
- Number of Decimal Digits
- Flatten and sort an array
- Two fighters, one winner.
- Deodorant Evaporator
- JavaScript Array Filter
- Form The Minimum
- Fizz Buzz
- Factorial
- Sum of Minimums!
- Power of two
- Predict your age!
- Row Weights
- Greet Me
- Sum of numbers from 0 to N
- Remove duplicate words
- Sum of Cubes
- Sorted? yes? no? how?
- Find the vowels
- Greatest common divisor
- Sort the Gift Code
- Love vs friendship
- Bumps in the Road
- Digits explosion
- Functional Addition
- Head, Tail, Init and Last
- Alphabet war
- Largest pair sum in array
- Build a square
- Maximum Product
- Even numbers in an array
- Switcheroo
- Filter the number
- Sum of Triangular Numbers
- My Language Skills
- Simple beads count
- Boiled Eggs
- Sort arrays - 1
- Unlucky Days
- Minimize Sum Of Array (Array Series #1)
- Speed Control
- Odd-Even String Sort
- Parts of a list
- Maximum Triplet Sum (Array Series #7)
- Higher-Order Functions Series - Count the number of JavaScript developers coming from Europe
- Most digits
- Over The Road
- Currying functions: multiply all elements in an array
- Palindrome chain length
- Smallest value of an array
- Simple remove duplicates
- 16+18=214
- Divide and Conquer
- Ordered Count of Characters
- Moves in squared strings (I)
- Building Strings From a Hash
- Convert an array of strings to array of numbers
- Cats and shelves
- Number Of Occurrences
- Reverse a Number
- Largest Square Inside A Circle
- Perimeter sequence
- Alphabet symmetry
- Halving Sum
- Flatten
- Unpacking Arguments
- A Rule of Divisibility by 7
- Digitize
- Sum even numbers
- Basic Sequence Practice
- Simple Fun #74: Growing Plant
- Area of a Circle
- Going to the cinema
- max diff - easy
- Find the nth Digit of a Number
- Largest Elements
- All unique
- Sum of all arguments
- Coding Meetup #2 - Higher-Order Functions Series - Greet developers
- V A P O R C O D E
- Alphabetical Addition
- shorter concat [reverse longer]
- Refactored Greeting
- Char Code Calculation
- Substituting Variables Into Strings: Padded Numbers
- Nth Smallest Element (Array Series #4)
- Nickname Generator
- Incrementer
- Strong Number (Special Numbers Series #2)
- Building blocks
- Simple string characters
- Find Count of Most Frequent Item in an Array
- Alternate case
- Coloured Triangles
- Balanced Number (Special Numbers Series #1 )
- Vowel one
- Automorphic Number (Special Numbers Series #6)
- Drying Potatoes
- Return the Missing Element
- Averages of numbers
- Remove All The Marked Elements of a List
- Spacify
- Complete The Pattern #1
- Sum of array singles
- Simple consecutive pairs
- esreveR
- Tidy Number (Special Numbers Series #9)
- Sort Out The Men From Boys
- Coding Meetup #3 - Higher-Order Functions Series - Is Ruby coming?
- Sum of Odd Cubed Numbers
- Who is the killer?
- FIXME: Get Full Name
- Last Survivor
- All Inclusive?
- Basic Calculator
- How many arguments
- Product Of Maximums Of Array (Array Series #2)
- getNames()
- Debug Sum of Digits of a Number
- Rotate for a Max
- Folding your way to the moon
- Sum of integers in string
- Simple Fun #152: Invite More Women?
- Caffeine Script
- Disarium Number (Special Numbers Series #3)
- Coding Meetup #4 - Higher-Order Functions Series - Find the first Python developer
- Collatz Conjecture Length
- Lost number in number sequence
- Sort by Last Char
- Looking for a benefactor
- Find The Duplicated Number in a Consecutive Unsorted List
- Regexp Basics - is it a vowel?
- Longest vowel chain
- Colour Association
- Squares sequence
- Special Number (Special Numbers Series #5)
- Elapsed Seconds
- Return the first M multiples of N
- Indexed capitalization
- Array element parity
- Make them bark!
- Combine objects
- Cat and Mouse - Easy Version
- Product Array (Array Series #5)
- Heron's formula
- Insert dashes
- How many are smaller than me?
- Convert a linked list to a string
- Find the missing element between two arrays
- Javascript filter - 1
- Get decimal part of the given number
- The wheat/rice and chessboard problem
- Last
- The old switcheroo
- Jumping Number (Special Numbers Series #4)
- Running out of space
- Regexp Basics - is it a letter?
- Count consonants
- Coding Meetup #6 - Higher-Order Functions Series - Can they code in the same language?
- The Office I - Outed
- ToLeetSpeak
- Basic JS - Calculating averages
- Split The Bill
- Making Copies
- Array Leaders (Array Series #3)
- Find the Capitals
- Return substring instance count
- Is n divisible by (...)?
- Complete The Pattern #2
- Coding Meetup #5 - Higher-Order Functions Series - Prepare the count of languages
- Changing letters
- Word values
- Nth power rules them all!
- Easy mathematical callback
- Between Extremes
- Remove consecutive duplicate words
- Arithmetic Sequence!
- Split In Parts
- Birthday I - Cake
- Discover The Original Price
- Count all the sheep on farm in the heights of New Zealand
- Easy wallpaper
- Return the closest number multiple of 10
- Person Class Bug
- By 3, or not by 3? That is the question . . .
- Chain me
- Digital cypher
- Help the Fruit Guy
- Numbers in strings
- Maximum Gap (Array Series #4)
- String Reordering
- Vampire Numbers
- Spoonerize Me
- Elevator Distance
- Average Scores
- Length and two values.
- All Star Code Challenge #22
- Unique string characters
- Valid Parentheses
- Reverse list
- Numbers to Letters
- Valid Spacing
- Return a string's even characters.
- Selective fear of numbers
- Responsible Drinking
- Formatting decimal places #1
- Monotone travel
- Area of an arrow
- Fibonacci
- Evens and Odds
- Simple Fun #2: Circle of Numbers
- Absent vowel
- Drone Fly-By
- Compare Strings by Sum of Chars
- Sum a list but ignore any duplicates
- Find Screen Size
- See You Next Happy Year
- Two numbers are positive
- Holiday III - Fire on the boat
- Extra Perfect Numbers (Special Numbers Series #7)
- Bingo ( Or Not )
- Bubblesort Once
- Return String of First Characters
- Computer problem series #1: Fill the Hard Disk Drive
- The Office IV - Find a Meeting Room
- Milk and Cookies for Santa
- Nice Array
- The fusc function -- Part 1
- makeBackronym
- Search for letters
- Evens times last
- Letterbox Paint-Squad
- Partial Word Searching
- Dot Calculator
- Previous multiple of three
- Float Precision
- Say hello!
- First-Class Function Factory
- Basic Math (Add or Subtract)
- Minimum Steps (Array Series #6)
- Filter Long Words
- Simple Fun #37: House Numbers Sum
- Find min and max
- Trimming a string
- Powers of i
- Covfefe
- Band name generator
- Reverse the bits in an integer
- Which color is the brightest?
- SevenAte9
- Even or Odd - Which is Greater?
- The Office II - Boredom Score
- Filter unused digits
- Especially Joyful Numbers
- Thinking & Testing: A and B?
- String Merge!
- Credit card issuer checking
- Pluck
- Linked Lists - Push & BuildOneTwoThree
- Help Suzuki rake his garden!
- Arithmetic progression
- How many consecutive numbers are needed?
- Find the Missing Number
- Number-Star ladder
- Check for prime numbers
- Thinkful - String Drills: Quotable
- Coding Meetup #11 - Higher-Order Functions Series - Find the average age
- Plus - minus - plus - plus - ... - Count
- Scaling Squared Strings
- Consecutive items
- Coding Meetup #12 - Higher-Order Functions Series - Find GitHub admins
- Interactive Dictionary
- Candy problem
- Character Counter
- Interview Question (easy)
- Linked Lists - Get Nth Node
- Counting in the Amazon
- Determine if the poker hand is flush
- Ninja vs Samurai: Strike
- Return a sorted list of objects
- Arithmetic List!
- Sorting Dictionaries
- LinkedList -> Array
- For the sake of argument
- last digits of a number
- Password maker
- Correct the time-string
- Stanton measure
- Dictionary from two lists
- Find the index of the second occurrence of a letter in a string
- Difference Of Squares
- Convert Hash To An Array
- Help Bob count letters and digits.
- How Green Is My Valley?
- Naughty or Nice?
- Simple string reversal
- Numbers with this digit inside
- Find sum of top-left to bottom-right diagonals
- Who's Online?
- Coding Meetup #14 - Higher-Order Functions Series - Order the food
- Find all occurrences of an element in an array
- Sort Santa's Reindeer
- Find Duplicates
- Pandemia 🌡️
- Waiting room
- Find Your Villain Name
- Consecutive letters
- Substring fun
- Eliminate the intruders! Bit manipulation
- Frequency sequence
- L2: Triple X
- Password Hashes
- Inspiring Strings
- Fix My Phone Numbers!
- What a "Classy" Song
- Double Sort
- Recursion 101
- Ghostbusters (whitespace removal)
- Invisible cubes
- All Star Code Challenge #3
- Multiples!
- Move 10
- Double Every Other
- Sum of a Beach
- Is It Negative Zero (-0)?
- Nth Root of a Number
- Exclamation marks series #13: Count the number of exclamation marks and question marks, return the product
- Password validator
- The Poet And The Pendulum
- Snail crawls up
- Retrieve array value by index with default
- Alphabetically ordered
- 254 shades of grey
- Power of 4
- Hells Kitchen
- Number of Rectangles in a Grid
- Max-min arrays
- String matchup
- Replace every nth
- What dominates your array?
- Scrolling Text
- Multiply Word in String
- Tail Swap
- Filter Coffee
- Find the Squares
- The reject() function
- Check three and two
- Number Pairs
- Broken sequence
- Four/Seven
- Are they square?
- Keep the Order
- Hello World - Without Strings
- Slope of a Line
- Initialize my name
- Keypad horror
- Enumerable Magic #5- True for Just One?
- Clean up after your dog
- Populate hash with array keys and default value
- C.Wars
- The Office III - Broken Photocopier
- Converting integer to currency format
- Battle of the characters (Easy)
- Reverser
- String to integer conversion
- Sum - Square Even, Root Odd
- Numbers to Objects
- What's my golf score?
- Is every value in the array an array?
Codewars Katas 6kyu¶
Katas de nivel 6. Dificultad moderada.
- Multiples of 3 or 5
- Who likes it?
- Create Phone Number
- Find the odd int
- Array.diff
- Sum of Digits / Digital Root
- Stop gninnipS My sdroW!
- Bit Counting
- Counting Duplicates
- Duplicate Encoder
- Find The Parity Outlier
- Replace With Alphabet Position
- Persistent Bugger.
- Take a Ten Minutes Walk
- Convert string to camel case
- Unique In Order
- Detect Pangram
- Does my number look big in this?
- Your order, please
- Tribonacci Sequence
- Split Strings
- Find the unique number
- Playing with digits
- Equal Sides Of An Array
- Decode the Morse code
- Is a number prime?
- Break camelCase
- Sort the odd
- Are they the "same"?
- Build Tower
- Find the missing letter
- Highest Scoring Word
- Count the smiley faces!
- Delete occurrences of an element if it occurs more than n times
- Bouncing Balls
- Count characters in your string
- Build a pile of Cubes
- Which are in?
- Consecutive strings
- Write Number in Expanded Form
- Two Sum
- Valid Braces
- Mexican Wave
- Take a Number And Sum Its Digits Raised To The Consecutive Powers And ....¡Eureka!!
- Roman Numerals Encoder
- The Supermarket Queue
- Roman Numerals Decoder
- WeIrD StRiNg CaSe
- CamelCase Method
- IP Validation
- Title Case
- Multiplication table
- Give me a Diamond
- Make the Deadfish Swim
- Rectangle into Squares
- Tortoise racing
- Help the bookseller !
- Simple Encryption #1 - Alternating Split
- Good vs Evil
- Sums of Parts
- Reverse or rotate?
- Data Reverse
- Encrypt this!
- N-th Fibonacci
- Find the missing term in an Arithmetic Progression
- Meeting
- Valid Phone Number
- The Vowel Code
- Buying a car
- Backspaces in string
- Consonant value
- Pyramid Array
- Length of missing array
- Highest Rank Number in an Array
- Validate Credit Card Number
- A Rule of Divisibility by 13
- Pair of gloves
- Triple trouble
- Dashatize it
- Function Composition
- Handshake problem
- Multi-tap Keypad Text Entry on an Old Mobile Phone
- Fibonacci, Tribonacci and friends
- Matrix Addition
- Array Deep Count
- Prefill an Array
- Kebabize
- Don't rely on luck.
- Word a10n (abbreviation)
- Pascal's Triangle
- Street Fighter 2 - Character Selection
- Lottery Ticket
- Playing with passphrases
- Character with longest consecutive repetition
- Reverse polish notation calculator
- +1 Array
- Fold an array
- If you can read this...
- longest_palindrome
- Base Conversion
- IPv4 to int32
- Reverse every other word in the string
- Statistics for an Athletic Association
- Run-length encoding
- What century is it?
- Linked Lists - Length & Count
- Grouped by commas
- Decipher this!
- Two Joggers
- Sorting by bits
- Triangle type
- Clocky Mc Clock-Face
- New Cashier Does Not Know About Space or Shift
- Ball Upwards
- Sum consecutives
- English beggars
- extract portion of file name
- Rainfall
- Mutual Recursion
- String array duplicates
- Let's Recycle!
- Backwards Read Primes
- Sort Arrays (Ignoring Case)
- Calculate String Rotation
- Maze Runner
- Unary function chainer
- Put the exclamation marks and question marks on the balance - are they balanced?
- Coordinates Validator
- Where is my parent!?(cry)
- How Much?
- Prize Draw
- Introduction to Esolangs and My First Interpreter (MiniStringFuck)
- Steps in Primes
- zipWith
- Primorial Of a Number
- Salesman's Travel
- Hamming Distance
- Is Integer Array?
- String transformer
- Remove the parentheses
- Difference of 2
- Bingo Card
- Arrh, grabscrab!
- Image host filename generator
- Matrix Transpose
- The Deaf Rats of Hamelin
- "Stringing"+"Me"+"Along"
- Format words into a sentence
- Sequences and Series
- Find the Mine!
- Pascal's Triangle #2
- Number Zoo Patrol
- Design a Simple Automaton (Finite State Machine)
- Transform To Prime
- Manhattan Distance
- Autocomplete! Yay!
- Twisted Sum
- PI approximation
- Higher-Order Functions Series - Find the most senior developer
- Triangle number check
- Loose Change
- Evil Autocorrect Prank
- Throwing Darts
- Higher-Order Functions Series - Will all continents be represented?
- Binary to Text (ASCII) Conversion
- Financing Plan on Planet XY140Z-n
- Tank Truck
- All Star Code Challenge #15
- A disguised sequence (I)
- Integer depth
- Moves in squared strings (II)
- Collatz
- Who has the most money?
- Simple Fun #79: Delete a Digit
- Playing on a chessboard
- Banker's Plan
- Strip Url Params
- Reducing by steps
- Srot the inner ctonnet in dsnnieedcg oredr
- Calculate the area of a regular n sides polygon inside a circle of radius r
- Simple frequency sort
- Irreducible Sum of Rationals
- Round by 0.5 steps
- Pokemon Damage Calculator
- How many pages in a book?
- Almost Even
- PatternCraft - Strategy
- PatternCraft - State
- String average
- PatternCraft - Decorator
- Duplicate Arguments
- Clock in Mirror
- Positions Average
- Custom FizzBuzz Array
- Arrays Similar
- Simple Substitution Cipher Helper
- Simple Sentences
- Find within array
- Coding Meetup #15 - Higher-Order Functions Series - Find the odd names
- Ackermann Function
- Angle Between Clock Hands
- Coding Meetup #9 - Higher-Order Functions Series - Is the meetup age-diverse?
- Error correction #1 - Hamming Code
- Who won the election?
- Most Frequent Weekdays
- Shortest steps to a number
- Row of the odd triangle
- Alphabet war - airstrike - letters massacre
- Prime Factors
- More Zeros than Ones
- The Shell Game
- Numericals of a String
- Schrödinger's Boolean
- Sum two arrays
- RoboScript #1 - Implement Syntax Highlighting
- Piano Kata, Part 1
- Compare Versions
- Permute a Palindrome
- What's A Name In?
- Message Validator
- Complete Fibonacci Series
- ASCII hex converter
- Alphabetized
- Basic Encryption
- Simple Simple Simple String Expansion
- Count the divisible numbers
- Are we alternate?
- Braking well
- Adding ordinal indicator suffixes to numbers
- up AND down
- Longest alphabetical substring
- Lambdas as a mechanism for Open/Closed
- Fruit Machine
- Number Format
- Parabolic Arc Length
- Sum of many ints
- Even Fibonacci Sum
- Hidden "Cubic" numbers
- Coding Meetup #13 - Higher-Order Functions Series - Is the meetup language-diverse?
- Hanoi record
- Feynman's square question
- Function iteration
- Crack the PIN
- Color Choice
- Frog jumping
- Split and then add both sides of an array together.
- Easy Balance Checking
- Simple card game
- Reach Me and Sum my Digits
- The Office V - Find a Chair
- Adjacent repeated words in a string
- Turn String Input into Hash
- Sorting on planet Twisted-3-7
- The maximum sum value of ranges -- Simple version
- Regexp Basics - is it IPv4 address?
- Moves in squared strings (III)
- Reversing a Process
- Catalog
- first character that repeats
- Change it up
- Arabian String
- 1RM Calculator
- Basics 08: Find next higher number with same Bits (1's)
- 1/n- Cycle
- Linked Lists - Insert Nth Node
- Casino chips
- Dbftbs Djqifs
- Valid string
- Harshad or Niven numbers
- Bowling Pins
- Sum of prime-indexed elements
- N smallest elements in original order
- Look and say numbers
- Parse HTML/CSS Colors
- Sort My Animals
- Sortable Shapes
- I need more speed!
- The Enigma Machine - Part 1: The Plugboard
- Errors : histogram
- Framed Reflection
- Emotional Sort ( ︶︿︶)
- HTML dynamic color string generation
- The takeWhile Function
- Zero-plentiful Array
- The Book of Mormon
- Duplicates. Duplicates Everywhere.
- Odd-heavy Array
- Number of anagrams in an array of words
- Simple string indices
- Dead Ants
- Upside down numbers
- Doors in the school
- Cat and Mouse - Harder Version
- Easy Diagonal
- uniq (UNIX style)
- Pizza pieces
- Custom Array Filters
- Quick (n choose k) calculator
- Fibonacci Reloaded
- Potion Class 101
- Breaking search bad
- Circularly Sorted Array
- Rotate Array
- Array combinations
- Last Survivors Ep.2
- Ease the StockBroker
- Calculate number of inversions in array
- Pairs of Bears
- Linked Lists - Sorted Insert
- Compare powers
- Selective Array Reversing
- Unwanted dollars
- Exercise in Summing
- Find Cracker.
- Single character palindromes
- Moduli number system
- Estimating Amounts of Subsets
- Pentabonacci
- Urban Dictionary
- Lowest product of 4 consecutive numbers
- Next Version
- Sudoku board validator
- Count the days!
- FIXME: Hello
- Simple Fun #52: Pair Of Shoes
- Binaries
- Anagram difference
- Repeated Substring
- IP Address to Number
- Linked Lists - Remove Duplicates
- Organise duplicate numbers in list
- Parse a linked list from a string
- Element equals its index
- Simpson's Rule - Approximate Integration
- 80's Kids #7: She's a Small Wonder
- Tic-Tac-Toe-like table Generator
- Ascend, Descend, Repeat?
- Single Word Pig Latin
- Data compression using run-length encoding
- Write Number in Expanded Form - Part 2
- Inside Out Strings
- Basics 03: Strings, Numbers and Calculation
- Build Tower Advanced
- Reverse Vowels In A String
- Swap Case Using N
- Rotate Array (JS)
- Uncollapse Digits
- Wave Sorting
- Disease Spread
- Sqrt approximation
- Simple Fun #23: Square Digits Sequence
- Rank Vector
- Begin your day with a challenge, but an easy one.
- The maximum and minimum difference -- Simple version
- Mysterious function
- Cycle a list of values
- Surrounding Primes for a value
- Killer Garage Door
- A String of Sorts
- Separate The Wheat From The Chaff
- Lucas numbers
- String tops
- Vowels Back
- How Many Reindeers?
- Convert integer to Whitespace format
- Padovan numbers
- Return 1, 2, 3 randomly
- Back and forth then Reverse!
- Only Duplicates
- Binary Tree Compare
- Numbers of Letters of Numbers
- Multiples of 3 and 5 redux
- Simple Fun #305: Typist
- Assemble string
- Happy numbers
- Sum of a Sequence [Hard-Core Version]
- Simple Fun #141: Hamming Distance
- Calculate Pyramid Height
- Car Number Plate Calculator
- File Path Operations
- Calculate the function f(x) for a simple linear sequence (Easy)
- String subpattern recognition I
- Cat Kata, Part 1
- The Lamp: Revisited
- Follow that Spy
- Three added Characters
- ASCII Fun #1: X- Shape
- Smallest Permutation
- Twin Prime
- Simple prime streaming
- Making Change
- SHA-256
- Points in the circle
- Simple Web Framework #1: Create a basic router
- Squares in a Rectangle
- Simple Fun #160: Cut The Ropes
- RNA to Protein Sequence Translation
- Determine the date by the day number
- Non-even substrings
- Find last Fibonacci digit [hardcore version]
- Moves in squared strings (IV)
- Numerical Palindrome #1.5
- Fun with lists: countIf
- Versions manager
- ASCII Fun #2: Funny Dots
- Jungerstein's Math Training Room: 1. How many zeros are at the end of n!! ?
- Find The Duplicated Number in a Consecutive Unsorted List - Tougher Version
- Common array elements
- Point in Polygon
- search in multidimensional array
- Sort odd and even numbers in different order
- Simple time difference
- Greatest Position Distance Between Matching Array Values
- Cumulative Triangle
- Thinkful - Logic Drills: Red and bumpy
- Check if two words are isomorphic to each other
- Bonuses
- Floating-point Approximation (I)
- Number , number ... wait LETTER !
- Complete The Pattern #8 - Number Pyramid
- Nested List Depth
- Make A Window
- Ordinal Numbers
- Consecutive Count
- Create a frame!
- Sort sentence pseudo-alphabetically
- Loneliest character
- Vowel Shifting
- Sequence classifier
- Checkered Board
- High score table
- Reducing by rules to get the result
- Alternating Loops
- Simple Fun #135: Missing Alphabets
- Yes No Yes No
- Pete, the baker (part 2)
- Odd/Even number of divisors
- Proof Read
- Master of Files
- Simple decrypt algo
- Simple square numbers
- Word Mesh
- Array Exchange
- SumFibs
- Midpoint Sum
- Generic numeric template formatter
- Prime factorization
- Simple Fun #15: Addition without Carrying
- Divisible Ints
- World Bits War
- Adding Binary Numbers
- Special Multiples
- Required Data I
- Ranking NBA teams
- Simple Fun #165: Withdraw
- Number of measurements to spot the counterfeit coin
- Find X
- Polybius square cipher - encode
- Plenty of Fish in the Pond
- Running Average
- Words to Hex
- Strongest even number in an interval
- PhoneWords
- Regex Tic Tac Toe Win Checker
- Pell Numbers
- Count the photos!
- String Suffixes
- Basics 06: Reversing and Combining Text
- Piano Kata, Part 2
- String searching with wildcard
- Inserting multiple strings into another string
- Reverse a singly-linked list
- Simple Fun #132: Number Of Carries
- Points On A Line
- Not prime numbers
- Address Book by State
- Ping-Pong service problem
- Fractions class
- Count Repeats
- Most profit from stock quotes
- Find the Nexus of the Codewars Universe
- Spelling Bee
- Sort Strings by Most Contiguous Vowels
- The Walker
- Linear Regression of Y on X
- Missing Alphabet
- Numerical Palindrome #4
- Binding within the List Monad
- Unknown amount of duplicates. One missing number.
- Keyword Cipher
- Linked Lists - Insert Sort
- Permutations and Dot Products
- Simple Fun #258: Is Divisible By 6
- What's Your Poison?
- I Liked the SQL Better...
- Simple nearest prime
- Convert ISBN-10 to ISBN-13
- Palindromic Numbers
Codewars Katas 5kyu¶
Katas de nivel 5. Dificultad moderada alta.
- Moving Zeros To The End
- Simple Pig Latin
- Human Readable Time
- RGB To Hex Conversion
- The Hashtag Generator
- Rot13
- Directions Reduction
- Calculating with Functions
- Maximum subarray sum
- Extract the domain name from a URL
- Pete, the baker
- Product of consecutive Fib numbers
- First non-repeating character
- Scramblies
- Weight for weight
- Number of trailing zeros of N!
- Greed is Good
- String incrementer
- Not very secure
- Perimeter of squares in a rectangle
- PaginationHelper
- Primes in numbers
- A Chain adding function
- Can you get the loop ?
- Regex Password Validation
- Pick peaks
- Integers: Recreation One
- Sum of Pairs
- int32 to IPv4
- Count IP Addresses
- Last digit of a large number
- Memoized Fibonacci
- ROT13
- Tic-Tac-Toe Checker
- Gap in Primes
- Best travel
- What's a Perfect Power anyway?
- Mean Square Error
- Is my friend cheating?
- Beeramid
- Josephus Survivor
- Josephus Permutation
- Common Denominators
- Convert PascalCase string into snake_case
- Convert A Hex String To RGB
- ISBN-10 Validation
- Merged String Checker
- My smallest code interpreter (aka Brainf**k)
- Vector class
- Simple assembler interpreter
- Factorial decomposition
- Square Matrix Multiplication
- Lazy Repeater
- Snakes and Ladders
- Longest Common Subsequence
- Phone Directory
- Molecule to atoms
- (Ready for) Prime Time
- Simple Events
- Going to zero or to infinity?
- Find the unique string
- Base64 Encoding
- Find the smallest
- First Variation on Caesar Cipher
- Land perimeter
- Simple fraction to mixed number converter
- Diophantine Equation
- Did you mean ...?
- Buddy Pairs
- Luck check
- Least Common Multiple
- Decimal to Factorial and Back
- Help your granny!
- Caesar Cipher Helper
- John and Ann sign up for Codewars
- Esolang Interpreters #2 - Custom Smallfuck Interpreter
- flatten()
- The Clockwise Spiral
- Guess The Gifts!
- Play with two Strings
- Write out numbers
- Closest and Smallest
- Largest product in a series
- Largest Difference in Increasing Indexes
- k-Primes
- Return substring instance count - 2
- Blackjack Scorer
- Fun with trees: array to tree
- By the Power Set of Castle Grayskull
- The Hunger Games - Zoo Disaster!
- Some Egyptian fractions
- Airport Arrivals/Departures - #1
- Which x for that sum?
- Don't Drink the Water
- Probabilities for Sums in Rolling Cubic Dice
- Simple Fun #166: Best Match
- 80's Kids #6: Rock 'Em, Sock 'Em Robots
- Calculate Variance
- Secret knock
- Ninja vs Samurai: Attack + Block
- Matching And Substituting
- Rotate an array matrix
- Conway's Game of Life
- Finding an appointment
- Sort - one, three, two
- Consecutive k-Primes
- Battle ships: Sunk damaged or not touched?
- Metric Units - 1
- Sort arrays - 3
- Numbers that are a power of their sum of digits
- Coding with Squared Strings
- Street Fighter 2 - Character Selection - Part 2
- Resistor Color Codes, Part 2
- Mod4 Regex
- Simple string expansion
- Second Variation on Caesar Cipher
- Tongues
- Fibo akin
- validDate Regex
- Don't Eat the Last Cake!
- Interleaving Arrays
- Conway's Look and Say - Generalized
- Fibonacci Streaming
- Bird Mountain
- Find heavy ball - level: master
- Binary Tree Traversal
- Poker cards encoder/decoder
- Alphabet wars - nuclear strike
- 1's, 0's and wildcards
- Prime number decompositions
- Emirps
- Mongodb ObjectID
- Mystery function #1
- Connect 4
- Basic DeNico
- Car Park Escape
- Paginating a huge book
- Bowling score calculator
- Linked Lists - Alternating Split
- Is the King in check ?
- All that is open must be closed...
- Convert all the cases!
- The Fruit Juice
- ASCII85 Encoding & Decoding
- How Many Numbers? II
- Fun with trees: is perfect
- Pascal's Diagonals
- Value of x
- A Man and his Umbrellas
- RoboScript #2 - Implement the RS1 Specification
- Sierpinski's Gasket
- Morse Encoding
- Simple CSS selector comparison
- Vigenère Autokey Cipher Helper
- First n Prime Numbers
- Base64 Numeric Translator
- Sum of (Two) Squares
- Evaluate a postfix expression
- Only-Readable-Once list
- Calculate Fibonacci return count of digit occurrences
- Sum and Rest the Number with its Reversed and See What Happens
- Basic Nico variation
- Zonk game
- Mixbonacci
- count '9's from 1 to n
- Grab CSV Columns
- Alphabet war - Wo lo loooooo priests join the war
- Square sums (simple)
- Efficient Power Modulo n
- Game - Electrons around the cores
- Knapsack Part 1 - The Greedy Solution
- Simple number sequence
- Missing number in Unordered Arithmetic Progression
- Ninety Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Nine
- Binary search tree validation
- Tree to list
- Let's Play Darts!
- Base -2
- Compute the Largest Sum of all Contiguous Subsequences
- Scraping: Codewars Top 500 Users
- Primes with Even Digits
- Histogram - V1
- Readability is King
- Linked Lists - Front Back Split
- Bananas
- uniq -c (UNIX style)
- Iterative Rotation Cipher
- Vector Class
- Euler's method for a first-order ODE
- URL shortener
- Simple Encryption #2 - Index-Difference
- Simultaneous Equations - Three Variables
- Typoglycemia Generator
- 1-800-CODE-WAR
- Scraping: Get the Year a CodeWarrior Joined
- Soundex
- Unique digits sequence
- Rule 30
- Longest sequence with zero sum
- Packing your backpack
- The maximum sum value of ranges -- Challenge version
- Sections
- String -> N iterations -> String
- All Star Code Challenge #19
- ■□ Pattern □■ : Zoom
- Bob's reversing obfuscator
- Weird prime generator
- Break the Caesar!
- N00bify - English to n00b Translator
- Church Booleans
- [Geometry A-1] Locate point - to the right, to the left or on the vector?
- Simple Finite State Machine Compiler
- Ookkk, Ok, O? Ook, Ok, Ooo!
- Bulk up!
- Simple Encryption #4 - Qwerty
- Swap Node Pairs In Linked List
- The Road-Kill Detective
- Hamster me
- Integer to English
- #9 Matrices: Adding diagonal products
- Mean without outliers
- Esoteric Language: 'Poohbear' Interpreter
- Find heavy ball - level: ubermaster
- Binary Search Trees
- A Simple Music Encoder
- Numbers and its Reversal Having Same Prime Factors.
- Rotate a square matrix like a vortex
- Binary Contiguous Array
- Elementary Arithmetic - Carries Count
- Escape with your booty!
- Shuffle It Up
- Ant Bridge
- Domain name validator
- Dots and Boxes Validator
- Numbers with The Highest Amount of Divisors
- Integer triangles
- Tracking Hits for Different Sum Values for Different Kinds of Dice
- Around Fibonacci: chunks and counts
- The Wrong-Way Cow
- Reverse Inside Parentheses (Inside Parentheses)
- Esolang: Ticker
- Formula 1 Race
- Find the Word Pair!
- Simple Fun #358: Vertical Histogram Of Letters
- Card Game
- Would you believe... Talk like Siegfried
- Transformation of a Number Through Prime Factorization
- Range of Integers in an Unsorted String
- Four Letter Words ~ Mutations
- Identifying Top Users and their Corresponding Purchases On a Website
- TV Remote (symbols)
- Simple Fun #81: Digits Product
- Penalty for speeding
- Simple Fun #206: Factorial Digits
- Phone numbers
- Complete Binary Tree
- Langton's ant
- Processes
- Sports League Table Ranking
- Maximum Subarray Sum II
- Esolang: Stick
- Sequence of Power Digits Sum
- The maximum and minimum difference -- Challenge version
- Sorting Arrays by the Amount of Perfect Squares that Each Element May Generate
- Prime Sextuplets
- A Bubbly Programming Language
- Operations on sequences
- Hungry Hippos
- When The Sum of The Divisors Is A Multiple Of The Prime Factors Sum
- Check that the situation is correct
- Simple Fun #337: The Original Number
- Simple parenthesis removal
- Esolang: InfiniTick
- Binary Tree Serpentine Traversal
- Simple Fun #178: Faulty Odometer
- Rotate a square matrix in place
- Interlaced Spiral Cipher
- Challenge Fun #14: Target Game
- Minimum path in squares
- field chained HTML formatting
- Python's Dynamic Classes #3
- Euler Totient Function
- Build a quadratic equation
- Find the safest places in town
- Tic-Tac-Toe (3D)
- Cockroach Bug Scatter
- WordSquare
- Biggest Sum
- Traffic Lights - multiple cars
- Data mining #1
- Nut Farm 2
- Max Collatz Sequence Length
- myjinxin katas #001 : Rotate, Remove, Return
- Conways game of life on a toroidal array
- Give The Biggest Prime Factor And The Biggest Divisor Of A Number
- Generating Numbers From Prime Factors I
- Sat Nav directions
- Mastermind
- Working With Coloured Numbers
- US Postal Codes
- My Very Own Python's Split Function
- Excel's COUNTIF, SUMIF and AVERAGEIF functions
- Pigs in a Pen
- Find the Partition with Maximum Product Value
- Calculate the derivative of a polynomial
- Python Reflection: Disassembling the secret
- Palindrome integer composition
- Squarefree Part of a Number
- The longest bracket substring in the string
- Simple Fun #335: Two Programmers And Gold
- Simple Fun #26: Weak Numbers
- Simple Fun #333: Incomplete Virus
- Barista Manager
- Regex for Gregorian date validation
- RPG dice roller
- Simple Fun #167: Spreadsheet
- City Swim - 2D (TowerFlood And PlainFlood)
- Simple Fun #53: Combs
- A Brave New Wordle
- Simple Fun #299: Look And Say And Sum
- Fizz Buzz (with restrictions)
- Find Nearest Fibonacci Number
- Hex Dump
- Now that's a crib!
- Haiku Checker
- Vowel Alternations
- Cycle Detection: Floyd's The Tortoise and the The Hare
- Multi Line Task: Hello World (Easy one)
- Adding words - Part II
- Become The Ultimate Phychic
- Ziggurat Ride of Fortune
- Distinct contiguous elements in every window of size k
- LZ78 compression
- Simple Fun #89: Boxes Packing
- Minimum number of taxis
- Find All the Possible Numbers Multiple of 3 with the Digits of a Positive Integer.
- Brainscrambler - Esoteric programming #3
- Rectangle into Rectangles
- Translate DNA in 6 frames
- Simple Fun #220: Simplified Array
- Simple Fun #211: Frog's Jumping
- Sorting Poker
- Features of a Given Array
- Minimum unfairness of a list/array
- Choose featured projects for Gratipay's homepage!
- Precise fractions pt. 1 - basics
- Count the Domain Names
- Ratio of Bouncy Numbers
- The Hunger Games - Foxes and Chickens (Poison)
- @validate_args
- Simple Fun #273: Powerset
- Connecting Values
- Simple Fun #188: Slogans
- Simple Fun #155: Pac-Man
- Keep it short (with restrictions)
- Pattern Generator
- Crossword Puzzle! (2x2)
- Reversi row rudiments
- Ordering Beers in Poland
- Traffic Jam
- Diagonals
- Splitting the Workload (part I)
- Elo rating - one game, one pair
- T.T.T.57: Reverse a number
- Chameleon unity
- Largest rectangle in background
- Calculate the expression
- Finding the Closest Maximum Values of a Function to an Upper Limit
- Divide and maximize
- self_converge
- Function Addition
- Complete the triangle pattern
- Valid Chess Moves
- Max sum path
- Easy Cyclist's Training
- Subsequence Product Sum
- Solve the Grid! Binary Toggling Puzzle
- Getting along with Bernoulli's numbers
- Simple Fun #125: Array Equalization
- Help Suzuki pack his coal basket!
- The Bee
- Krazy King Blackjack
- Dynamic Programming #1: Shortest Path in a Weighted DAG
- Simple Fun #44: Three Split
- Self-closing Cookie Jar
- Wood Cut
- Simple Fun #127: Prime Operations
- Endianness Conversion
- Flotsam
- The Primes as a Result of the Longest Consecutive Sum I
- Pandigital Sequence
- Car Rental Business Needs Statistics and Programming
- Simple Fun #339: Maximum Product 2
- The Sum and The Rest of Certain Pairs of Numbers have to be Perfect Squares (more Challenging)
- License Plate Recognition
- Simple Fun #389: The Order Of Ribbons
- Cheating a bit...
- Solve For X
- Regex matching all positive numbers below n
- Following the Paths of Numbers Through Prime Factorization
- Integer Right Triangles
- Funnel Out A String
- The Binary Binary Expansion
- Simple Fun #118: Sum Or Product
- Combining predicates
- Master your primes: sieve with memoization
- Fixed-length integer partitions
- Building a Sequence Cocatenating Digits with a Given Order.
- Chess Fun #9: Bishops And Rooks
- Roman numerals, Zeroes and Fractions
- Loose Change (Part 2)
- Removing Internal Vertices
- Geohashing
- Digits
- Additive Numbers
- Rearrangement of Numbers to Have The Minimum Divisible by a Given Factor
- Tri-Bicolor Tiling
- Subarrays with an odd number of odd numbers
- Topological Image Processing: 4-Connected Components
- Closest Neighbouring Points I
- Mirrored Exponential Chunks
- Intro to Statistics - Part 1: A Five figure summary
- Probable Prime or Composite (Much bigger primes)
- Kata 2019: Bonus Game I
- One Line Task: Diamond Creator Pro
- The Hunger Games - Shut the gate
- Check the status of the generator expression
- Snake Collision
- Simple Fun #357: Show The Digits
- Playing with Sandpiles
- Eight ways to iterate over table
- Letterss of Natac
- Primitive Pythagorean Triples
- Subsequence Sums
- Operator Insertion
- Word Search Grid
- Light Switch
- Simple Fun #272: Throwing Dice
- Optimized Pathfinding Algorithm
- A Challenging Sequence.
- Minus 1: is divisible?
- Trees to Parentheses, and Back
- Simple Fun #123: DPC Sequence
- Context manager decorator
- Find the Most Probable Sum Value or Values, in Rolling N-dice of n Sides
- Simple RSA Implementation
- Reversed Self Power
- What’s the degree?
- Secret Agent Time Travel Calculations
- Find the Longest Increasing or Decreasing Combination in an Array
- Pandigital Powers
- Word Wrap
- Department scheduler [simple]
- A Scandal in Bohemia
- Primes in the Last Digits of Huge Numbers
- Multisize Nonogram Encoder
- Binary Simulation
- Map and Filter to Get a Special Sequence of Integers
- Positions of a substring in a string
- Is this a good batch of stout? (Student's t test)
- Program hangs!
- Minimum and Maximum Product of k Elements - Advanced
- RegEx Like a Boss #4 CodeGolf : Prime length
- Ulam Sequences (performance edition)
- Cryptic Cave: Episode 1
- Card-Chameleon, a Cipher with Playing Cards
- T.T.T.56: Make a monthly calendar board
- Combinations in a Set Using Boxes
- Codewars API
- Compression : impossible
- Sort a massive list of strings (hard)
- Recovering from a Disk Crash - Reverse Engineering Some Lost Code!
- Refactor a node-based calculator (DRY)
- Devil's Sequence
- Unusual Cipher
- Constrained GCD
- Hofstadter's Figure-Figure sequence
- Wimbledon Scoreboard - Game
- Circles: Count the Circles Having a Given Internal Point.
- Closest Neighbouring Points II
- NxN Connect X
- The Dots and Parentheses
- Fouriest transformation
- 100 prisoners and a light bulb
- Prime Ant - Performance Version
- Simple Fun #112: Array Erasing
- Simple Fun #139: Black And White
- Prime Grasshopper
- Number of integer partitions with distinct parts
- Function Algebra
- Happy Numbers (performance edition)
- Challenge Fun #13: First Operation Character
- Logic Detective
- Rudimentary Pivot Table
- Pyramide d'Azkee
- String generation by pattern
- Best place at concert
- Equivalent Dice
- T.T.T.38: The sum of each digits
- Multiples of some primes
- [St]arting [St]ring
- Lambda Calculus: Lists
- Fix the pipes
- Roguelike game 1 - stats and weapon
- Lunar Drilling Operation
- Directory tree
- Chess position parser (FEN)
- Blobservation 2: Merge Inert Blobs
- Graphics Series #3: Repair the LED display
- [Geometry B -1] Point in a triangle?
- Number of players for knockout/round-robin hybrid contest (easy mode)
- QR-Code Message Encoding
- Counting the Webdesigns based on Used Colours
- Z-algorithm
- A self-descriptive fractal sequence
- Graph-like Sequence
- Lambda Calculus: Lists as folds I
- Readable Specification Pattern
- Right Truncatable Harshad numbers
- Limited number of instances
- Dating with hypergamy
- Simple Fun #134: Fix Progression
- Function Overloading for Types
- Folding a cube
- Hack the NSA
- Recamán Sequence Sum
- Cricket Scores
- Bouncy Numbers with N Digits
- Wristband Patterns
- Stable Weight Arrangement
- Probability to Win an Infinite Tennis Game
- Recursive Floor Sequence
- Underload Interpreter
- Odd-Even Compositions
- Fix arithmetic progression
- What Would They Have in Common?
- The "AA" Number Notation
- AdFly Encoder and Decoder
- Combination Lock
- Constructing polynomials
- Simple Fun #314: Lucky Candies
- Find Out the Number of Gold Coins!
- Boxes in boxes
- Train of dominoes
- Find the most adjacent integers of the same value in a grid
- Crazy rabbit
- Binary relation optimization
- Spreadsheet Cell Name Conversions
- Pig Game
- Dobble: Identify the missing cards
- Convergents of e
- Family Tree - Ancestors
- 3-2-1 Fire!
- (Insane) N Warriors and a Lamp
- Word Spiral
- Primes with Two, Even and Double Even Jumps
- Chess Fun # 13 : RegEx Like a Boss #1 : Valid Pawn Moves
- Gnomes and Hats: A Horror Story
- Three-valued logic
- Knights
- Math expression [HARD][CODE-GOLF]
- Generate Numbers From Digits #2
- Sudoku board validator - Code Golf
- The Big Guy and The Bagman
- How many strings use all symbols of a given alphabet at least once
- Checkerboard King Combo Move
- Water pouring problem
- Working With Coloured Numbers II
- Total Primes - Advanced Version
- Langton's Ant - Advanced Version
- Transposing Guitar Tabs
- Determine Results of Pole Vault Competition
- Simple cluster analysis
- Electron configuration of chemical elements
- Happy traveller [#2]
- Arithmetic Expression Placeholders
- Lattice Paths, But...?
- Smallest Multiple of 1 to n
- Array with distance of N
- Randonneuring control calculator
- Crontab Parser
- Mistaking a forest for a tree
- Minimum number of moves
- Little PL/SQL parser - get text literals
- ASCII Mandelbrot Set
- Subsequence Sums II
- Next Higher Value # 1
- From Traversals to Tree
- Wordle! Cheat bot
- Find the nth Term of a Sequence
- Almost Isosceles Integer Triangles With Their Angles With Asymptotic Tendency
- Recursive ASCII Fractals
- Dependable Jobs Schedule
- Cliff Jumping
- Integer Triangles Having One Angle The Double of Another One
- Approximate Solution of Travelling Salesman Problem
- Checkout Line Pricing
- Teknonymy
- Smoke Signals
- Ways from one number to another
- Prime Path Finder
- Render the Code Golf Champions
- Longest Subarray with Maximum Average Value
- The Doppelganger Enigma
- Cargo-Bot Interpreter
- Real World Applications of Sqrton
- Following Sierpinski's Footprints
- The Rubik's Cube
- Extreme Hat Game
- Socialist distribution (performance edition)
- Configurations of White and Black Knights on a 3x3 chessboard
- Lisp-esque parsing [Code Golf]
- Let's Play Darts: Beat The Power!
- Cheyenne Wigwam
- Elevator malfunctioning
- Give me the Corresponding Proper Fraction!
- Combinations in a Set Using Boxes II
- Pair 'em Up
- Hat Game 2
- Count The Hits Adding Contiguous Powers!
- The Simple Game
- Find the Missing Number using NAND
- Infinite continued fractions
- Next Higher Value #2
- Football Season
- Spreading Spores Graph
- Chain Reaction - Minimum Bombs Needed
- Expand Absolute Values
- Centered Polygonal Number
- NegaFibonacci representation
- Multidimensional Neighbourhood
- Sokoban re-solver : level recovery from solution
- Propositional SAT Problem
- Synthesize Boolean Functions From Examples
- 🧬Cooking life on Proto Earth🌎
- Reflecting Light V2
- Castle of Cubes
- Kata 2019: Bonus Game II
- Perfect Binary Tree Traversal: BFS to DFS
- Roman Army Formations: Contubernium
- Take Down Codewars!
- Break Caesar cipher variation : PNG image
- Amoeba: Blind Maze
- Draw the borders I - Simple ascii border
- Coping with NP-Hardness #3: Finding the Minimum Hamiltonian Cycle
- Getting the Letter with Tail
- Random sampling in constant time
- "Dual Numbers" and "Automatic" (nth) Derivatives
- Jump to zero (Subtask 4)
- Polyomino symmetry
- Windmill Cycle
- Play Nerdle - It's Wordle for Calculations
- The Trapped Odd Knight
- Buying the Farm : Irrigation
- 2D Cellular Automata [Code Golf]
- Draw the borders II - Fast and furious
Codewars Katas 4kyu¶
Katas de nivel 4. Dificultad alta.
- Human readable duration format
- Snail
- Range Extraction
- Strip Comments
- So Many Permutations!
- Sum Strings as Numbers
- Sum of Intervals
- Next bigger number with the same digits
- The observed PIN
- Roman Numerals Helper
- Most frequently used words in a text
- Strings Mix
- Twice linear
- Nesting Structure Comparison
- Matrix Determinant
- Sum by Factors
- Pyramid Slide Down
- parseInt() reloaded
- Recover a secret string from random triplets
- Catching Car Mileage Numbers
- Codewars style ranking system
- Decode the Morse code, advanced
- Sort binary tree by levels
- Hamming Numbers
- Square into Squares. Protect trees!
- Next smaller number with the same digits
- Counting Change Combinations
- Validate Sudoku with size 'NxN'
- Path Finder #1: can you reach the exit?
- Explosive Sum
- Vigenère Cipher Helper
- Find the unknown digit
- Magnet particules in boxes
- Text align justify
- Binary multiple of 3
- Smallest possible sum
- A Simplistic TCP Finite State Machine (FSM)
- Conway's Game of Life - Unlimited Edition
- All Balanced Parentheses
- Connect Four
- Simple Fun #27: Rectangle Rotation
- Simplifying multilinear polynomials
- Number of Proper Fractions with Denominator d
- Breadcrumb Generator
- Path Finder #2: shortest path
- Shortest Knight Path
- Simple Fun #159: Middle Permutation
- How many numbers III?
- 4 By 4 Skyscrapers
- Ten-Pin Bowling
- Boggle Word Checker
- Befunge Interpreter
- The Greatest Warrior
- Getting along with Integer Partitions
- Ranking Poker Hands
- Count ones in a segment
- Factorial tail
- Differentiate a polynomial
- Esolang Interpreters #3 - Custom Paintf**k Interpreter
- Infix to Postfix Converter
- Currying vs. Partial Application
- Longest Common Subsequence (Performance version)
- One Line Task: Squirrel And Tree
- Instant Runoff Voting
- Regular expression for binary numbers divisible by 5
- Sums of Perfect Squares
- Algebraic Lists
- Burrows-Wheeler-Transformation
- Total increasing or decreasing numbers up to a power of 10
- Number of integer partitions
- Social Golfer Problem Validator
- Mystery Function
- Route Calculator
- Find all possible number combos that sum to a number
- Memoized Log Cutting
- The learning game - Machine Learning #1
- Find the nth Reverse Number (Extreme)
- Chinese Numeral Encoder
- The fusc function -- Part 2
- T.T.T.#2: Equal to 24
- Decimal to any Rational or Irrational Base Converter
- NIM the game
- RoboScript #3 - Implement the RS2 Specification
- Brainfuck Translator
- Simple maze
- Escape the maze
- One Line Task: Palindrome String
- Elemental Words
- Simple Memory Manager
- Great Total Additions of All Possible Arrays from a List.
- Longest Palindromic Substring (Linear)
- Counting inner calls in an unknown function.
- Path Finder #4: where are you?
- Largest Numeric Palindrome
- Polydivisible Numbers
- Last digits of N^2 == N
- Simplexer
- Organize a Round-robin tournament
- Church numbers
- Square and Cube of a Number Become Prime When Reversed
- 5x5 Nonogram Solver
- Exponentials as fractions
- Tracking pawns
- Coloured Lattice Points Forming Coloured Triangles
- Can you really count divisors?
- Sortable Poker Hands
- Counting String Subsequences
- Don't give me five! Really!
- Big Big Big Padovan Number
- BasE91 encoding & decoding
- Stack Arithmetic Machine
- N Linear
- Block sequence
- Simple Fun #148: Exchange Sort
- Permutational Primes
- Compute a convex hull
- Trailing zeros in factorials, in any given integer base
- Simple Fun #119: Sub Sets Parity
- Lazy Init
- Create a funnel
- One Line Task: Zero Or One
- Count Squares In the Chess Board
- String -> X-Iterations -> String
- N queens puzzle (with one mandatory queen position)
- Alphabet wars - trench assault
- Lowest base system
- Helpers For a 3DGame I: Biggest Triangle in a Sphere
- Regular Expressions (groups): Splitting phone numbers into their separate parts.
- Unflatten a list (Harder than easy)
- Generic number class
- Greedy thief
- Bernoulli numbers
- N queens problem (with no mandatory queen position)
- Bird Mountain - the river
- Spinning Rings - Fidget Spinner Edition
- Remember members decorator
- Solving a puzzle by matching four corners
- Repetitive Sequence - Easy Version
- Mahjong - #1 Pure Hand
- Top Down Movement System
- Hide a message in a deck of playing cards
- Dynamic Connectivity
- Tower Defense: Risk Analysis
- Space Invaders Underdog
- Grazing Donkey
- Undirected weighted graph
- Associative Operation on Range
- Spaghetti Code - #2 Hard
- A Knight's Tour
- Bribe the Guards of the Crown Jewels
- Convex hull area
- Multiply to 'n'
- We are Family
- Almost Everywhere Zero
- Find Product Partitions With Maximum or Minimum Score
- Linear Equation Solver
- Four Color Theorem (Easy Version)
- Area of House from Path of Mouse
- Dithering
- Tournament Cross Table with Sonneborn-Berger Score
- Dice rolls threshold
- SPF Russia
- Domino Tiling - 2 x N Board
- Complete the photo pattern
- Cracking the Vigenère cipher, step 1: determining key length
- Multiplying Polynomials
- Calculate k-th digit of π (Pi)
- Insane Increasing or Decreasing Numbers
- The smallest number with a given number of divisors
- Bad Exception Handling
- Splitting the Workload (part II)
- Superheroes Convention #1 Pandemic
- Create the QR-Code
- Bridge Puzzle
- Elementary conveyor
- Topology #0: Converging Coins
- Touchdown?
- Mountain map
- Queue Battle
- Big Generalized Fibonacci numbers
- Strongly connected components
- Balanced parentheses string
- Data mining #2
- Beggar Thy Neighbour
- Zombie Apocalypse: the Last Number Standing
- Egg Drops
- Counting diamonds
- Shallowest path across the river
- Python Recipes #1 : Function Overloading
- Product-Sum Numbers
- The Bubbly Interpreter
- RPG Simulator - Defeat the Demon Lord! [Part 1]
- Set Closure Generator
- n^k summation
- Bezier Curves
- The fibfusc function -- Part 2
- 'Magic' recursion call depth number
- Matunga coins
- Hypercube Lists
- Maximum clique
- Circular Limited Sums
- Domino Tiling - 3 x N Board
- Connect Letters
- I hate business trips
- Numbers with Collatz Starting Patterns
- Evil genius game - Find the moving chess piece while blindfolded
- Snake Cube Solver
- Snafooz solver
- Domino Tiling - 5 x 2N Board
- Bridge the Islands
- Palindrome Counter
- Challenge Fun #20: Edge Detection
- Shortest Knight Path(Infinite Chessboard)
- Advanced binary toggling puzzle
- Domino Tiling - 2 x N Board -- Challenge Edition!
- Right truncatable primes in a given base
- Squaredle solver
- Next polydivisible number in any base
- Implementing SHA-1
- Stepping Stones Puzzle
- N-th Integer Containing the Digit 1
- Golf [Code Golf]
- Spidey Swings Across Town
- Web Polygons
- Nelson the Number Theorist
- Gymbro's Unique Gym - Weight Calculator
- Pick Until Match
- Peg Solitaire
- Happy Numbers. Another performance edition.
- Mega Connect 4
Codewars Katas 3kyu¶
Katas de nivel 3. Dificultad alta.
- Battleship field validator
- Make a spiral
- Sudoku Solver
- The Millionth Fibonacci Kata
- Rail Fence Cipher: Encoding and Decoding
- Last digit of a huge number
- Alphabetic Anagrams
- Binomial Expansion
- Help the general decode secret enemy messages.
- Screen Locking Patterns
- Prime Streaming (PG-13)
- The Lift
- Path Finder #3: the Alpinist
- Esolang Interpreters #4 - Boolfuck Interpreter
- How many are smaller than me II?
- Fabergé Easter Eggs crush test
- Huffman Encoding
- Closest pair of points in linearithmic time
- Texas Hold'em Hands
- Hard Sudoku Solver
- The builder of things
- The boolean order
- N-Parasitic Numbers Ending in N
- Centre of attention
- Total area covered by rectangles
- Papers, Please
- Line Safari - Is that a line?
- Plants and Zombies
- Stargate SG-1: Cute and Fuzzy (Improved version)
- RoboScript #4 - RS3 Patterns to the Rescue
- Simplifying
- Find the cheapest path
- Count Connectivity Components
- Battleship field validator II
- Bloxorz Solver
- Alphametics Solver
- Fix the pipes - #2 - is it leaking?
- Blobservation
- Breaking the Vigenère Cipher
- Upside-Down Numbers - Challenge Edition
- Metaclasses - Simple Django Models
- Type Transpiler
- Fluid Volume of a Heightmap
- Switch the Bulb--Play game Series #10
- One line task: Is the King in check ?
- Mahjong - #2 Seven-pairs
- Permutation-free Strings
- Unique digit sequence II - Optimization problem
- Wrap a cube with paper nets
- Knight's Attack!
- Insane Tri-Bicolor Tiling
- Minimal Cost Binary Search Trees
- Rummy: Find Lowest Scoring Hand
- Prime counting
- Escape!
- Insane Circular Limited Sums
- Reversi Win Checker
- The Little Typer: Values, Functions and Currying
- The smallest n such that n^n mod m = 0
- Topology #0.1: Converging Coins (Performance edition)
- Totally Good Permutations
- Prime Ant - Crazy Version
- Abstraction elimination
- No More 5's, Ever
- Broken 7-segment display - challenge edition
- My favorite number is III, so...
- A giant Carmichael number
- The treasure in the Toroid [Code Golf]