Free licensed images

  1. Pexels

    Images and videos with Open License.

  2. Pixabay

    More than 1.9 million royalty free photos.

  3. Open Clipart

    Cliparts (vector images) of free license.

  4. Freepik

    Free license (with attribution) photos and vector images.

  5. Public Domain Pictures

    Premium images above 2 megapixel.

  6. Shutterstock

    Over 60 million stock photos, vectors, videos and music tracks.

  7. Dreamstime

    38 Million royalty-free stock images. Registration required.

  8. Free digital photos

    Pay per high quality high than 400px. Requires registration by e-mail.

  9. Free Images

    388,000 free photos and illustrations. 2.4 million paid photos. Registration required.

  10. Getty Free Images

    High quality free and paid images.